Galilee Medical Center в Nahariya

ИзраильGalilee Medical Center



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89 Nahariya-Cabri, Nahariya, Israel
контакты телефон: +972 4-910-7107
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 33.0083233, Longitude: 35.1171239

Комментарии 5

  • hayley russell

    hayley russell


    I would not recommend to seek medical treatment at the Galilee Medical Centre in Nahariya. It is old, dirty and the Russian doctors & nurses are unkind & cruel. My daughter was in the covid unit so we could not visit with her, she was very poorly and was left in tears and begging for pain relief on many occasions. She was under the care of an ENT specialist who said she needed to stay in hospital until she could swallow food and drink but some of the doctors kept telling her that she shouldn’t be there and needed to go home. Thank God I could get through to the department by telephone and would be persistently calling for the staff to attend to my daughter. The area where my daughter was put only had 2 other patients, so it was not busy. The ENT specialist advised that she drink very cold water or suck ice and to eat very soft cold food like ice-cream or yogurt, she was not given anything. They took another covid test which came up positive but because it had been 5 days since her first test they discharged her from the covid unit and transferred her to the internal medicine ward for observation. The ward was very small with 4 old beds, broken equipment and the toilets were dirty with no toilet rolls, but the doctors were friendly and helpful, even though my daughter was never given the food that she asked for. The other patients in her ward had relatives staying all night so it was noisy and my daughter could get no rest with all the loud talking and videos being played out on their phones throughout the night. She had been on intravenous fluids and the doctors left the needle in her arm which caused severe bruising and was very painful. The release procedure was relatively short and we were thankful to get her home and never to return there again!

  • Seetajeswin Jeswin

    Seetajeswin Jeswin


    nursing staffs are very horrible in womens wing ward and general ward because they don't care i patients die also they never mind any patients they are speaking very rudely to patients with sick most worst hospital in the Israel nurses are just running around ward when we stay for 5 days only 2 time they changed bedsheet when we call for help they just ignore us attitude towards families are very very disappointing this is the most worst hospital in the Israel

  • Chana gila Wolfson

    Chana gila Wolfson


    A total lack empathy or even care complete disregard of the patients pain and suffering even the smallest request has to be jarred out of them it's astonishing they would not follow through with anything if you're not dying they don't care about you

  • A B

    A B


    Crowded, lack of parking.

  • Arbel Ben Dor

    Arbel Ben Dor


    Worst hospital in Israel.

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