Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment Robert H.. Smith in רחובות

IsraelFaculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment Robert H.. Smith


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האוניברסיטה העברית, רחובות, 7610001, Israel
kontakte telefon: +972 8-948-9111
webseite: www.agri.huji.ac.il
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 31.9049905, Longitude: 34.8046285

kommentare 5

  • iw

    rully roz


    המקום הכי טוב ללמוד בו. רמה גבוהה, יחס מרצים תלמידים מעולה, אווירה קסומה

  • en

    roy o


    Faculty is a Hebrew university affiliation for agriculture studies. There are student dormitories on campus. There is also a gym, pool and some leisure areas. Pool is also open to outside public and there is also a kid's pool. Prices for non-students or family of faculty teachers is expensive. There is a parking lot inside the facility and there are guards in the faculty's two entrances. Any bus passing through Rehovot has a stop outside the faculty and it is about half a kilometer from the train station. There are open days for prospect students.

  • Doram Jacoby

    Doram Jacoby


    A good place to take courses and learn. Part of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem but also has evening classes for the public.

  • en

    Jane Gershoni


    It's a Branch of the Jerusalem University. It has the usual university X campus activities as well as swimming pool X sports activities.

  • Yagel Kohavi

    Yagel Kohavi


    עשיתי שם תואר ראשון, מקום נפלא מכל הבחינות, גם סתם להסתובב ולראות קצת ירוק באמצע העיר.

nächste Universität

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