דר אילן גלבוע - מרפאת מומחים בשיניים ,נתניה в Netanya

Израильדר אילן גלבוע - מרפאת מומחים בשיניים ,נתניה



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26, Ussishkin Street, Netanya, HaSharon, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 9-832-3021
Веб-сайт: net2dent.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.3271547, Longitude: 34.8512522

Комментарии 5

  • Alona Peless

    Alona Peless


    I went to Ilan Gilboa's clinic for a number of treatments. Ilan is a professional, attentive and patient doctor for the patient. I felt comfortable in the treatment.

  • Tina Elkanovich

    Tina Elkanovich


    Dr. Gilboa treated complex problems with the teeth at my 85-year-old mother, with tolerance and a smile, suggested creative solutions that no doctor before him thought of, and kept the mother her teeth. The clinic staff is also very professional, highly recommend!

  • יפעת נען

    יפעת נען


    I came to Dr. Gilboa several years ago for a consultation after a complex event and after a number of doctors before him did not understand the source of the problem. Dr. Gilboa identified me with great professionalism, referred me to a number of required treatments and sensitively and professionally accompanied me throughout the oral rehabilitation process. Highly recommend, Yifat. Yifat

  • נאוה שפשא

    נאוה שפשא


    I arrived at the oral rehabilitation clinic full of concerns for complex and complicated treatment after checking with a number of doctors, I received a recommendation and arrived at the clinic of Ilan Gilboa, an oral rehabilitation specialist. From the initial advice I received, I realized that I had come to the right place and there was no doubt that it was. Ilan is a professional, kind doctor, attentive to his patient and also a perfectionist and knows exactly what needs to be done to achieve an excellent result. Although I am 50 years old in addition to the complex treatments I performed at Ilan's orthodontic clinic and the result was very good. In retrospect, it is a pity that I did not come to Ilan a few years ago, I underwent a restorative and aesthetic treatment that changed my appearance and I returned to smiling. The clinic also works in collaboration with Ilan, professional doctors. The implants were performed by Dr. Meir Dabiko, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who gave me a feeling of security, he was patient with me and my concerns throughout the treatment and thanks to his extensive knowledge and experience, the treatment went well and even when I returned home I did not feel pain. Huge thanks to me and Livnat who always welcomed me warmly and helped me with everything I needed. Also, thank you to all the assistants in the clinic and to the Maayan Dabush medic, who also provided excellent and professional service. I have no doubt been privileged to come to the place of champions and highly recommend to anyone who is afraid and needs treatment, both short and complex treatment, to get to the clinic and come out satisfied and smiling like me. Following my home recommendation she underwent treatment at the clinic and she also came out very pleased. I wish you all a happy and blessed year that we will just smile.

  • אורנה שהין

    אורנה שהין


    I first came to Dr. Ilan Gilboa to get another opinion in debating between sinus lift surgery and a bridge. These were the only options offered to me by a number of dentists before I got to them. I did not think there was another option and wanted to get advice from him on what to decide between these two options. As soon as I sat down with him in the chair, he advised me something that no one talked about - teeth straightening. Claimed I had a great opportunity to do so due to the missing tooth. I was very surprised at the same time he went into a dark and traumatic corner (a refuge for child alignment) and I decided I was going for it. And no one is happier than me. Dr. Ilan was honest in recommending what was right for me and not what was right for him because this recommendation was not economical for him since I perform orthodontics with an orthodontist and not with him. Highly recommend it and I wish more people like him that the good of the customer comes before their good even when it is not financially profitable

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