דר עודד רודניצקי - טיפולים אסתטיים מתקדמים в Tel Aviv-Yafo

Израильדר עודד רודניצקי - טיפולים אסתטיים מתקדמים



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18, Harav Reines Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 73-374-4401
Веб-сайт: www.drrudnizky.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.0795839, Longitude: 34.7752039

Комментарии 5

  • Avivit Vahaba

    Avivit Vahaba


    I went to Dr. Rudnecki's clinic for cellulite treatment. I went through a lot of all types of devices and technology in watching the result, everything is beautiful in the first days after treatment and back to normal, from a pity experience on the money. The unique and unique method developed by Dr. Rudinsky after about 6 treatments has indeed proven itself there is an amazing improvement in the taxotura of the skin in the firmness and cellulite level, I am more than satisfied and happy happy and almost ready for summer. Recommends from proven experience those who are interested in spending a considerable amount of money on ineffective devices. The only treatment that treats the problem is demanding and not just slipping for a week. In addition, an amazing attitude from the cordial secretary and the most experienced and effective doctor. Glad I got to my destination. Thanks Spring

  • Yair Eldad

    Yair Eldad


    Excellent service and attitude. Eye fatigue treatment is done and the results speak for themselves! Courteous attitude and excellent result! very pleased!!!

  • sharon ben refael

    sharon ben refael


    He has been treated by Dr. Oded Rudnicki for 20 years. A dedicated, professional, accurate and honest doctor in terms of price and service. Atmosphere NIS Clinic at a high level, clean and professional. I have done weight loss and aesthetic treatments. Extremely professional and with fast results. Highly recommend the clinic and Dr. Oded Rudnicki in particular. Pleasant patient experience, remarkable follow-up and caring.

  • סיגל גרינפלד

    סיגל גרינפלד


    Must recommend .I really had a positive experience.

  • diana stavker

    diana stavker


    I wanted to share the treatment I underwent at Dr. Oded Rudnicki's clinic and that it improved my appearance in an amazing way. In recent years I have had swelling under my eyes because of which my general appearance was tired heavy and older I tried makeup creams nothing helped me. I underwent one treatment with Dr. Rudnicki of injection into an area that did not hurt me at all. Immediately after the treatment I saw that the area was straightened and after a few days it was visible. Even more beautiful and completely natural. I look completely different in the whole face and especially in the eye area .. Highly recommend

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