🕗 opening times
Sunday | - | |||||
Monday | - | |||||
Tuesday | - | |||||
Wednesday | - | |||||
Thursday | - | |||||
Friday | - | |||||
Saturday | - |
Dereh Ha Goren, Sgula, 7953000, Izrael
contacts phone: +972 8-850-5859
larger map & directionsLatitude: 31.665089, Longitude: 34.7809124
D.B Organization
::ืืกืขืื ืคืฆืฆื ืื ื ืืืืืฅ ืขื ืืืงืื ืืืื ืื ื ืืชืคืจืื ืืื ืืืืืืืื ืืื ืืชืงืืืื ืงืกื ืืืก ืกืื ืกืงื, ืกืคืจืCava Xenius, Semi secco, Spainโช29 | โช96ืจืืื, ืคืืืจRos'e, pelterโช110ืืจืืื, ืืืื ืื ื ืืืจ, ืกืืจืช ืืจืBlanc de noir, cramimโช29 | โช99ืืืืจืฆืืจืืื ืจ, ืคืืืจGewurztraminer, pelter cramimโช29 | โช105ืืืืจืฆืืจืืื ืจ, ืืจืื, ืจืืช ืืืืืGewurztraminer, Yarden, Golan Heights Wineryโช118ืฉื ืื ืืืื, ืืงื ืฉืืจืงChenin Blanc, soreqโช33 | โช124ืฉืืื, ืืืืื ืื ืืืืื ื, ืฆืจืคืชChablis, domaine des malandes, Franceโช35 | โช131ืกืืื ืืื ืืืื, ืื ืืืื, ื ืื ืืืื ืSavignon blanc, Mud House, New Zealandโช99ืคืื ื ืืจืื, ืืจืื, ืืงื ืจืืช ืืืืืPinot gris, Yarden, Golan Heights Wineryโช118ืืื ืืืืช - ืฉืื ืืช ืืืืฆืจCramim private collection - ask the waiterโช27 | โช94ืืจืื, ืืจืื, ืจืืช ืืืืืMerlot, Yarden, Golan Heights Wineryโช39 | โช151ืืจืื, ืืงื ืืื ืืMerlot, Kahanov Wineryโช130ืงืืจื ื ืกืืื ืืื, ืืืจืCabernet Sauvignon, Turaโช168ืงืืจื ื ืกืืื ืืื, ืืจืื, ืจืืช ืืืืืCabernet Sauvignon, Yarden, Golan Heights Wineryโช196ืงืืจื ื ืกืืืื ืืื, ืืชืืจCabernet Sauvignon, Yatir Wineryโช155ืงืืจื ื ืกืืื ืืื, ืฉืืื ืืืืCabernet Sauvignon, Chateau Golanโช171ืืืืืื ืืืืฉื, ืืงื ืฉืืจืงLimited Edition, Soreqโช36 | โช139ืืืืง, ืืจืืMalbec, Yardenโช189ืงืจืื ืืื, ืืืชืงืืCarignan, Vitkinโช39 | โช151ืฉืืจืื ืจืืจื, ืืืชืืShiraz reserve, Daltonโช42 | โช163ืคืื ืืืจืื, ืืงื ืืื ืืPetit Verdot, Kahanov, Wineryโช39 | โช145ืฉืืจืื ืืจืื ืฉ, ืื ืกืืงืฉืืื, ืคืืืจShiraz Grenache, T-selection, Pelterโช177ืืจืืื, ืืจื ืืืืYiron, Galil Mountainโช157ืืจืื, ืคืืืจTrio, Pelterโช39 | โช122ืืืื ืืืื, ืกืืกืื ืืHemingway, Sea Horse Wineryโช156ืจืืื, ืกืืกืื ืืRomain, Sea Horse Wineryโช32 | โช122ืืืื, ืืงื ืฉืืRed, Shvo vineyardโช34 | โช121ืจืืื, ืืฉื, ืฉืืื ืืืืRos'e, Chateau Golanโช132ืืืืจืฆืืจืืื ืจ, ืฉืืื ืกืืื ื ืืืฉื, ืืจืืดืGewurztraminer, Chateau St. Michelle, USAโช27 | โช99ืกืืื ืืื ืืืื, ืืจืื, ืจืืช ืืืืืSavignon blanc, Mud House, New Zealandโช124ืืื ืืืืช - ืืจืืื, ืงืืจื ื ืกืืืื ืืืึฟ ืกืืจืช ืืจืCabernet Sauvignon, Cramimโช26 | โช92ืืจืื, ืืืื, ืจืืช ืืืืืMerlot, Gamla, Golan Heights Wineryโช64 | โช118ืืจืื, ืืจืื, ืจืืช ืืืืืMerlot, Yarden, Golan Heights Wineryyโช38 | โช148ืืจืื, ืืจื ืื ืจื, ืจืงื ืืืMerlot Reserve, Manara vineyard, Recanatiโช90 | โช131ืงืืจื ื ืกืืื ืืื, ืืืื ืืฉืืืจื, ืจืืช ืืืืืCabernet Sauvignon, Gamla Hashmura, Golan Heights Wineryโช36 | โช133ืืืืง, ืงื ืื ืืืคืืื, ืืจืื ืืื ืMalbec, Catena Zapata, Argentinaโช118ืจืืืื ืงืจืืื ืื, ืกืจื ืื ืืื, ืกืคืจืCerro Anon Crianza, riojaโช26 | โช96ืืจืืื, ืืจื ืืืืYiron, Galil Mountainโช155ืืจ ืขืืฉื (ืืฉืดืง), ืืชืืจMt. Amasa, Yatir wineryโช42 | โช155ืขืืื, ืฉืืจืื-ืืจืื ืฉ-ืืืจืืืจ, ืืืชืืAlma, Shiraz-Grenache-Mourverdre, Daltonโช119ืืืืขื, ืฉืืื ืืืืEliad, chateau golanโช238ืงืืงืืืืืืืงืืงื ืื ืืืงืืงืืืื ืฉืืืืืจ ืืื ืฉืืชื ืฆืจืืืื ืืชืื ื ืืช ืืืืคืฉื ืืืื ืฉืืืโช38Mr Yellowืืชืืง ืืืืง ืืื ืื ืฉืืืฆืื ืืช ืืงืืงืืืืโช42ืื ื ืืกืื ื ืก ืืคืจื ื, ืฉืืืื ืืจืื ืืื ืืื ืืืืืื ืืืชืืืโช44ืืื ืกืงืืืงืืงืืืื ื ืฉื ืฉืืืืจืื ืืืืืื ืื ืกืืชโช42ืืืืืืืืืคืจืืืืฃืืจืืื ื ืืืื ืงืโช28ืืจืืื ื ืจืืกืโช28ืืจืืื ื ืืงืกืืจื ืืจืืโช28ืงืืคืจืโช16 | โช32ืืคืจืืโช14 | โช28ืื ืืกืืืื ืืืงืกืโช19 | โช38ืขืจืืงโช18 | โช36ืคืกืืืโช17 | โช35ืคืจื ืโช17 | โช35ืืืณืกืืืฃืืืืจืืืืกืืจโช18 | โช36ืืจืืคื ื ืื ืื ืโช22 | โช44ืฉืจืืจื ืืจืืงโช26 | โช52ืืืืงืืกืืืืืฆ'ื ืืโช16 | โช32ืืื ืืื ืืืขืืืโช22 | โช44ืืืืงื ืคืจืืืืืืกืืืืืฆ'ื ืื ืขืืืชโช26 | โช52ืืจืืืืืกโช34 | โช68ืืณืืืืืืื ืกโช15 | โช30ืื ืืจืืงืกโช19 | โช38ืจืืืืงืืจืืโช16 | โช32ืกืืืืจ ืืณืจืโช18 | โช34ื ืืืจืืืโช23ืืงืืืืืืืืืจื ืกืืืืจโช14 | โช28ืืืืืืจื ืืืืโช16 | โช32ืงืืืืจืื ืกืืืืจโช16 | โช32ืืืืกืงืืืจื ืืกโช18 | โช36ืืืฉืืืืกโช18 | โช36ืืืืืกืืโช19 | โช38ื'ืง ืื ืืืืกโช24 | โช46ืืืืกืงื ืคืจืืืืืืืื ืคืืืื 12โช50 | โช25ืืื ืคืืืื 15โช30 | โช60ืืื ืคืืืื 18โช36 | โช68ื'ืื ื ืืืงืจ ืืืืง ืืืืืโช23 | โช45ืงืื ืืืงืจืื ืืจืืโช49ืื ืกืโช53ืืืงืจืืืืืืืืกโช16 | โช32ืืืืืจืโช34ืคืื'ืืื ืโช16 | โช34ืืืืืืโช32ืงืืืืโช32ืืืจืืืโช32ืืจืืืืโช48ืืืืื ืฆ'ืืโช16 | โช32
Dr. Cobi Ivghi
::Excellent chef restaurant. It stay in a place very far from crowded area, yet the restaurant was full of local people which normally is a clear indication of a good restaurant. We were to celebrate a birthday. Entre dishes was excellent. Made from fresh ingridiants, tasty and balanced. Main courses was not perfect. The restaurant manager did not charge it. Deserts was great also. Great food. Excellent service. We will sure come back.
uri sogavker
::ืืืื ืืจืื ืฉืจืืช ืืฆืืืื ืืืืืจื ืืืื ืืคืจืืช... ืืืืืฅ ืืืืชืจ... ืฉืืจ ืืืืฆืจืืช ืืืืชื ืืืฉ ื ืืืื....
Yuri Kopel
::ืืืงืจืชื ืืืงืื ืืกืคืจ ืคืขืืื ืืฉื ืื ืืืืจืื ืืช. ืื ืฉืืืจืื ืขื ืกืื ืื ืืกืืื ืืืืจื ืืื. ืืกืขืื ืืขืืฆืืช ืืกืื ืื ืืคืจื. ืืขื ื ืืืืก ืืืืืจืื ืืืืืื ืืื ืืช ืื ืืกืคืงืืช ืื ืืืืื ืืื ืืืืืืช. ืืืฆืจืื ืืืจื ืืื ื ืืืืื. ืืฉ ืืื ืื ืืืจ ืืืืจืืขืื ืงืื ืื.
Lior Herman
::Had a lovely meal here on a Friday night and came here from a far following a friend's recommendation. Service was good and efficient and the food was excellent. We had sea bass, ravioli, sirloin, and burger as well as deserts and they were all excellent. The place is also very spacious and can accommodate large tables. Lots of parking outside. An interesting piece of information: there was an electricity shortcut in the whole area while we were there but the restaurant probably has a backup generator because everything was running as usual.