Compass Travel Israel Tours в Herzliya

ИзраильCompass Travel Israel Tours



🕗 время открытия

32, Sokolov Street, 4649743, Herzliya, IL Израиль
контакты телефон: +972 58-707-6611
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.167178, Longitude: 34.843728

Комментарии 5

  • ru

    Bryan Bryan


    Excellent service and informative tours We joined the trip from Jerusalem and took off to Masada fortress and then to the Dead Sea. Our tour guide, Lea, is crazy and experienced guide, she explained everything we needed to know, but she also gave her personal, subjective touch to some historical facts. We had like 3 hours of free time at the Dead Sea, when no one is bugging you, what's also great addition to this trip.

  • ru

    Cameron Dodson


    Absolutely recommended trip Seriously one of the best tour guides I've ever had. He knew where the crowds would be and had us on an opposite route so that it was rarely crowded when were at a site. He was incredibly knowledgeable and we all had a brilliant time.

  • en

    Andriana Stoyn


    Brilliant trip 6 Day Christian Israel We went on the Christian Israel Tour. It was a fantastic experience. Our tour consisted of six people and our tour guide/driver. He was fantastic, and it was the trip of a lifetime. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this tour and go!

  • en

    Ganrietta Dauvalter


    Great Daily Tour Providers in Israel My husband and I arrived Jerusalem on a Friday afternoon and started looking at the different day tours available. We called Compass and the man on the phone was very polite and helpful. We booked a tour to Masada and the Dead Sea for the next day. The tour arrived right on time and the guide was very professional and knowledgeable. The day ran very smoothly and I highly recommend this tour company. Their prices are also very competitive with all other tour companies.

  • Oleg Mironov

    Oleg Mironov


    I would like to recommend Compass on the tour package which was put together for me and which I recently experienced (5 day tours with 4 nights accommodation). Each day’s tour was comprehensive and the tour guides obviously well-trained. They were welcoming, entertaining and friendly, informative and fairly objective both in relation to the particular places visited and the political and religious aspects thereof. This resulted in my having a particularly enjoyable, illuminating and instructive visit to Israel and certainly has given me a desire to visit again in the future.

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