Chateau Margaux в Rehovot

ИзраильChateau Margaux



🕗 время открытия

20, Ya'akov Street, Rehovot, Rehovot, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 8-946-7030
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.8959832, Longitude: 34.8126111

Комментарии 5

  • Olga B

    Olga B


    CLOSED/ЗАКРЫТО/סגור This used to be a lovely, delicious, elegant restaurant and wedding venue, but it's been closed for a while now. They were planning to open elsewhere before the covid outbreak, but they definitely won't be returning to this location, since it's been sold. I'm looking forward to the new location when it opens! CLOSED/ЗАКРЫТО/סגור

  • Gary Gelfand

    Gary Gelfand


    Great kitchen with great service, but: 1. Starters were bad. Not mediocre, but simply bad. And usually starters outperform anything else. 2. The service attitude was bad. Not the service itself which was excellent, but the attitude itself, which seemed to be taken down from the very top. The service was so fast that you were not able to finish first course when the next one was already on the table. They run and rushed everything so fast that I was under the impression that they wanted to kick us away ASAP. Only after a conversation with the boss, it was slowed down to a normal rhythm. 3. Related to #2 - they didn't provide so needed quiet when making toasts, and didn't silence music or stopped the service so that we could hear the speaker. Not only it was noisy during toasts, but we could not even see the speaker, as waiters constantly run with plates, serving and replacing dishes. 4. The kitchen has an adjacent door with guests, therefore every time waiters open the door, all the smell, talk and noise from the kitchen interfere with the party, toasts and plain talks. To sum it all up, at least the first half of the party I was under the impression that I attended a marathon and not a calm dinner party.

  • Ben Shomer

    Ben Shomer


    Amazing! Top rated service. Excellent food!!! The dishes are unique, nicely plated and of top quality. Great atmosphere and beautiful decoration.

  • Jennifer Feinberg

    Jennifer Feinberg


    Food was excellent. Staff was very accommodating. When the wait staff didn't understand us, they were quick to ask their owners for help. Owner was very attentive. Told us wonderful stories about the building. Front garden is gorgeous for an outdoor party

  • Joshua Feinberg

    Joshua Feinberg


    Loved the food and the atmosphere especially the appetizers. Server had limited command of English and was removing silverware before we were done eating each course. Got to meet the owner. What an amazing story. Building is over 100 years old and has gorgeous grounds for an outdoor party.

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