בצל הפסיפלורה в Midrakh Oz

Израильבצל הפסיפלורה


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Midrakh Oz, Israel
контакты телефон: +972 53-942-4704
Веб-сайт: www.zimmer4me.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.593619, Longitude: 35.1590235

Комментарии 5

  • esty feder

    esty feder


    There is a smell of cows and the pool is dirty but really fun there

  • ניצן שירי

    ניצן שירי


    Substandard space, complete waste of money, cleanliness in a zero place, hard towels like stone, the water in the hot tub smelled like sewage, and the cows made full smell and noise all the time, the B&B is not pampering to say the least, does not recommend at all

  • שרית סוואד

    שרית סוואד


    We arrived at a B&B located next to an active barn. Not opposite, not near, not close, but close. And that means horrible smell, flies and the howling of cows day and night. It is important to note that there is no breaks for an active barn ... The tractor in the barn also works on Saturday mornings. A B&B next to the barn is not suitable, in terms of noise, smell and sanitation. The level of maintenance and cleanliness in the B&B and in the yard Under all criticism, we received a pile of towels that should have reached the trash a long time ago, hard, scratched with tears and blemishes. Opening the taps flooded the smell of sewage .... 🤮 We gave up using the kitchen and water, ate outside and bought four sixths of water. In general we hardly spent time in a B&B, we tried to go back and only sleep there. Although the pool is nice and maintained but the smell from the barn prevented us from using it, even the (very) noisy industrial fan that works all the time did not help eliminate the smell. At the entrance to the parking lot, there are piles of sand and gravel, as at a construction site, so leaving with the vehicle requires maneuvering back and forth. In general, the whole area looks like a transit, unaesthetic and unsympathetic, warehouses and scrap everywhere. When we left at 10:30 in the morning (evacuation at 11:00) a bucket of water, detergent, rag and mop stood in our way at the ready, hints come on get out of here already. Definitely do not recommend getting there, ever, to anyone (maybe except a representative of the Ministry of Health) ...

  • Shlomy Botbol

    Shlomy Botbol


    Located in a beautiful place with many sites to walk close to Haifa

  • Shay Frid

    Shay Frid



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