בית אבות בן יהודה קרית ביאליק в Kiryat Bialik

Израильבית אבות בן יהודה קרית ביאליק



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15, Ha-Amakim Street, Kiryat Bialik, Haifa, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 4-601-1100
Веб-сайт: www.benyehuda100.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.8165402, Longitude: 35.0794971

Комментарии 5

  • Moad 182

    Moad 182



  • אילנה בלוך

    אילנה בלוך


    Grandma went through a difficult period in the last six months of her life. Amputation of the leg, and the dementia taking over her thoughts ... We wanted the best for her! Arrivals at the Ben Yehuda parents' home in Kiryat Bialik. From the first moment that Effi Butnero Ben Yehuda met us we knew we had found. Effie the manager of the place accompanied us with great professionalism, wrapped us in sensitivity and humanity, and took the worries away from us. Grandma joined the ward of Siwar Ghnayem a walking light beam. She cared for the best care for Grandma. Adapted and re-examined each time the medical treatment, updated, and inserted a huge soul into any update or medical consultation done on a regular basis. This period was not easy to say the least ... The corona that separates the warmth and love we wanted to bestow from maintaining the health of the tenants and the rules imposed on us by the administration. And at the same time with the amazing help of Maysam Adel the dedicated, professional social worker full of values ​​and sensitivity we were able to tread the drops together and give everything our beloved grandmother could. These visits were a copious dose of reinforcements for us and Grandma. Heartfelt thanks to Игорь Костромин who cared for Grandma and did not give up on her in any way. The dedication, concern, caring and endless giving. His professionalism, and his approach to patients is a blessing. Huge thanks to all the staff of the department, for every video call in the middle of the day, to hear and see also through the screen and leave the knowledge of concern and love even when we can not come. On the investment, on the cleanliness, on the preservation of the body and mind. And even though the words are many ... they are too few to express the feelings, the appreciation, and the gratitude. Thank you, We are happy to be part of your family ... And you will always remain our family!

  • Ilya Loyevsky

    Ilya Loyevsky


    9/6/2020 Good things happen in the Ben Yehuda Kiryat Bialik parents' house during these difficult times of the Corona epidemic. In preparation for the holidays, a balcony for tenants was organized. The families were invited to take an active part and participate. It was so exciting! I have been visiting all my parents who have been in their parents' house since the beginning of the Corona eruption. Tabor Department social worker Maisam Maysam helped my parents cope with the adjustment process. They receive dedicated and professional treatment, personal attitude and love. She is very responsible, serious and always adheres to her word. After reopening the parents' house for visits, she organizes close visits and everything is organized and managed very seriously. The team keeps our family safe from all potential dangers and helps them and us cope with the difficulty of living in a non-home environment and especially during this difficult time. I would like to express my thanks and personal appreciation to all the staff of the Tabor Department's nurses and siblings. I thank the Administrative Director Mr. Effi Buterno, Dr. Ratab Hatab, Chief Brother Rebel, Secretary Hannah and Juliet, Maintenance Manager Hasiv. The parent home team does small things in a big way with all their heart and motivation. Align great power! Bless your hands These Clausner Boys 4 Kiryat Bialik

  • אבישי אלמקייס

    אבישי אלמקייס


    About eight months ago after a hard look we put my grandmother in a parents' house in Kiryat Bialik. My grandmother had the difficulties of acclimating the staff instead of escorting and supporting her during her early days in adaptation. Treated her with great sensitivity and love, and now when we take her home to us on holidays and she wants to return to the nursing home for me, that means it all.

  • Alina Liberman

    Alina Liberman


    We announced that we were interested in bringing my grandmother home, the manager ignored us for 4 days until I started threatening. Just for a while and we just paid unnecessary and excessive money. After my grandmother returned home, we noticed that she was not wearing her clothes and bag of clothes that were supposed to be hers - were not hers! But her roommate! Includes medical ointments! Take her neighbor to the C! She and my grandmother aren't the same, we didn't get any grandmother's clothes either, but I care less. I called straight to the nursing home, the secretary said it was not her business and that I would call the department, where one answered me who said she did not understand Hebrew well, said to call the father of the house, I called him he said okay and hung up, without saying anything to me. I called again, and once again unanswered. I called the U.S, said she would take care of it, that they would come to me the next day to pick up the woman's clothes, they did not arrive !!!! That way, for two weeks, I chased them until I was sick and posted a Facebook post that I was looking for the relatives of the woman who is in this nursing home. With the help of a police officer we found them, I called them and they were just in the market who took everything to their mother! They came to Haifa to collect the bag and to this day a month after no one contacted from the nursing home. Simply in a fuck that is how the property of helpless people is treated. Leave a woman without clothes and shoes! shame on you!

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