בתי אבות נאות אבי א.פ. (1992) בעמ в Tel Aviv-Yafo

Израильבתי אבות נאות אבי א.פ. (1992) בעמ



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5, Siona Tagger Street, 68097, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-682-9448
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.0477906, Longitude: 34.7531357

Комментарии 4

  • Mikey Mike

    Mikey Mike


  • linor aviv

    linor aviv


    When we decided, after a great deal of deliberation, that in Mommy's best interest that she move into a nursing home, we began to search with a trembling heart for a place she deserved. We visited quite a few nursing homes, some of them seemed more suited to mother and some did not, but we did not find a nursing home that we were complete with. I told this to my brother who lives in Kfar Tavor, a place my mother often visited while announcing that she would like to live in a rural setting, and he told me that he had heard from friends that there was a nursing home that he saw and that he thought would fit Mum's wishes and needs. I heard his suggestion and went with my mother, to see the nursing home of Ahel Eil from the "Naot Avi" nursing home near Tel Hashomer. As they entered beyond the entrance gate, we froze in front of us, to our eyes we saw a breathtaking view of green space - paths that pass between tall, impressive green trees, grassy spaces, green hedges built in beautiful bushes and flowers. After a short walk, we reached a one-story country building and Mom told me with a bright face, here I want to live. I dreamed of such a rural environment. Mother did move into this nursing home and there she also receives close and high quality medical and nursing care, rich social life, quality food and everything it takes for a person.

  • avi hershko

    avi hershko


    My dear grandmother has been in this nursing home for a year, she was very depressed at home and her condition deteriorated into nursing very quickly. At the nursing home she is treated nicely and respectfully, even with no response from her loving and dedicated treatment and accompanied by many conversations and talk from the staff with her (she is not responding unfortunately) this shows professional caring combined. Thank you very much, you are a team for that matter !!

  • dan ayalon

    dan ayalon


    My beloved grandmother and great soul could no longer be left alone and a carer who was with her at home ran away one morning. The family decided on a proper nursing home for my father in Jaffa, I do not know nursing homes, so I did not intervene, but I was worried about all the bad stories we hear about nursing homes. To my delight my father is a proper place and respects the elderly, giving attention and love and the therapists are just angelic to me. My grandmother smiles, without knowing the reality, but I see that she is in good mood and good physical condition. She was given the little she had left in good hands and my thanks to the lovely team.

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