Breadly в Tel Aviv-Yafo

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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132, Derech Menachem Begin, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-507-8182
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.074077, Longitude: 34.792203

Комментарии 5

  • Hannah Maayan

    Hannah Maayan


    This coffee shop looks very pretty But it wasnt so nice I ordered a large cappachino A vanilla donut and soup The only thing tasty was the soup The barista made my coffee but only added the frothed milk after they did a few things around the coffee and heat up my soup so it didnt mix well with the shots And then when the packed my donut the vanilla topping was all rubbed off because of how they packed it. The only nice thing was the soup...... Coffee was bitter and wierdly enough and a watery flavor

  • Ha Ha

    Ha Ha


    coffee is good in bus stantions location,👎🏻 service bad

  • Naomi Litvin

    Naomi Litvin


    Heavenly freshly ground coffee! Bought half a kilo.

  • David Mor

    David Mor


    Breadly is the worst restaurant in Israel! We ordered food at 10:30 and the food never arrived. When we called them 3 hours later there was no answer at the restaurant and when I did reached the place (at 14:00) they just said there was a mess with the deliveries. We asked to cancel our order (we ordered with 10bis), and they agreed and said that they will cancel our order immediately (and refund our 10bis card so we can order from somewhere else), but they didn't do that either. I had to call 10bis and cancel the order myself eventually. Horrible service, not the first time it happened either... Update: My colleague talked with Shay Levy (the owner of Breadly) and he promised us 50% off on our next order. So we decided to give them another chance and each one of us chose a few items (a salad, a sandwich, a drink and a muffin) and sent them the order. An hour after we ordered - we got a call from Shay Levy telling us that he is taking back our 50% off as it was supposed to be just for one item and a drink. He didn't mentioned what the 50% off was when he gave it to us and taking it back after we ordered is the worst thing to do! We have everything documented and we will never order again from Breadly! Shay Levy made a huge mistake by taking back his word and that is not a way to manage a business and customer service.

  • Eric Illouz

    Eric Illouz


    Very good coffee

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