בנק הפועלים לב חולון в Holon

Израильבנק הפועלים לב חולון



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Zvi Tadmor, Holon, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972
Веб-сайт: www.bankhapoalim.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.0133343, Longitude: 34.7775757

Комментарии 5

  • דויד זדה

    דויד זדה


    A. There is no telephone tax of the branch on the website (why it is confidential) B. There is no answer to calls during all hours that the branch works. (Maybe the banks are not spacious enough they do not have budgets for another clerk to answer the phones) ..... Too bad

  • Shimshon Adler

    Shimshon Adler


    Not my branch. I received a great service that I came to get a credit card

  • Lior Eliyahu

    Lior Eliyahu


    The worst branch there is !!! Rude clerks, take the mind out of the person !! Stay away like a heart !!

  • alfasi 15

    alfasi 15


    Here is Bar Michael Alfasi from Holon- I really want to pay tribute to this branch - A good and excellent bank but it takes longer than usual because there are full of people waiting in line for bankers The service is excellent, courteous, who likes to help others even for those who do not have a credit card I love the service at this lovely bank The bankers are charming people and all the bankers are traditional people And I came to open a bank account on the place I ordered the generous banker's appointment from her name helped me with this and I got all the details about opening a bank account Really exciting and happy that there are such generous people like all the bankers from here And on 05/08/20 in the morning I contacted the Bank Hapoalim on Facebook that I want to find a job and get a credit card with a frame .. The kind bank of Lev Holon called me in the afternoon at least 4 times from blocked and unfortunately I did not answer them and missed their call Because I was sleeping hard after not sleeping all night and I am waiting for the bank here to call me a few times again once again in this bank really help the weak and give a loaded credit card even to those who have no money in the account really straighten you good souls !!! God bless you !!

  • Ilan Ganot

    Ilan Ganot


    Today I needed urgent banking service at Bank Hapoalim's Lev-Holon branch. When I arrived at the branch I realized that it was closed to the audience due to the situation and that I had to go to another branch. In spite of this, the courteous branch manager Vered Reuveni facilitated allowing me to enter and receive VIP service from the personal banking department manager Mital Hazan. Within 10 minutes and I left satisfied and smiling from the branch.

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