BBB в Beit Herut




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קניון M הדרך, Beit Herut, Israel
контакты телефон: +972 9-866-4414
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.3833801, Longitude: 34.8671551

Комментарии 5

  • Elizabeth Tay

    Elizabeth Tay


    Don't waste your precious time, money and expectations. Nothing is homemade. Everything is bought ready-made from the supermarket and put in the oven. The manager 'didn't understand" my complaint. We waited ages and it was totally tasteless. **All the toppings which are free in every other restaurant we were charged for! Sweet chill sauce and one ring of pineapple 8 shekels. (The whole bottle costs 7.99 in the supermarket). **A few pickled chilis 7 shekels. *The buns weren't toasted. No menu in English-? A family of 8 sitting next to me had complaints, too... I rest my case.

  • Avihay Efrati

    Avihay Efrati


    For years this network keeps its level. It gives good value for the cost (Israeli terms). Not gourmet cuisine but will be ok for a hungry family.

  • elad lanir

    elad lanir


    BBB, in my opinion, used to be one of the best burger places, especially in terms of value for money 🤑. You got very good burgers, great service and all that without emptying your pocket. This is in past tense 😬.... I visited BBB just a couple days ago with my kid. I ordered a burger with pineapple and onion rings. It was really good! But 80 NIS for a lunch menu???😒 My kid took a burger from the kids menu. This one was a real disappointment. The burger was small and of low quality and when he found a chunk of cartilage, that was the end of it and he didn't want to continue with his meal. But that was not the end of it. The kids menu includes a main, a side, a drink, dessert and a surprise. Sounds good... Well.... The surprise was a paper envelope with a dozen ecological drinking straws. Yup, that was it. You cannot even imagine the disappointment on my kid's face. Have no idea what went through their heads when they decided at BBB that this would be an appropriate kids menu surprise 🤔

  • Yaab (Amir Yabo)

    Yaab (Amir Yabo)


    we got terrible service on our last visit. we left after 90 minutes with some still awaiting their dishes or after repetitively getting slightly different things than ordered. it's an ok place to sit for a quick byte, my suggestion is keep things as simple as can be - try avoiding changes and customizations, they don't seem to handle it...

  • David Ne'eman

    David Ne'eman


    Not bad. Very pricey in my opinion for what you get.

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