Bank Hapoalim в Ramat Hasharon

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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ИзраильBank Hapoalim



🕗 время открытия

90, Sokolov Street, 47237, Ramat Hasharon, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-653-2407
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.1484874, Longitude: 34.8399522

Комментарии 5

  • b w

    b w


    The service in the bank has become at a level of below all criticism. And this is more in private banking Everything has become cumbersome and indirect, impatient bankers doing good that they give service. On the other hand the commissions continue to grow.

  • חבצלת מילר

    חבצלת מילר


    I called the bank this Tuesday until they answered me it took 45 minutes and after I explained the issue and asked for treatment immediately and I was told that they would refer my request to the clerk who handles the issue. And she will contact me by 3pm that day. As of this moment it is already Thursday noon and still no one has contacted me. Money they know straight to take and download from the account without getting confused but to take care of customers and get back to them it is not for them. Shame on the service !!!!!!

  • Ori Shack

    Ori Shack


    Bank of criminals one by one they signed me forms that they were not allowed to sign me under international law! They abdicated responsibility after signing the forms I had signed in my innocence. In addition, I had to fight with them for two months until the account is finally closed and finally it is closed FOR GOOD but the information remains with them and you will know to whom these criminals are passing it, we all know that the databases in Israel are quite hacked. So, do not recommend anyone to be their client they are just criminals one by one lying to you inside and disconnecting you on the phone the clerk says "I'm just doing my job" This is a failed clerk whose place in Wuhan city he should not have signed me on these forms under international law! Run away from this bank as long as your soul is in you!

  • ELi Rabi

    ELi Rabi


    The clerks look like they are suffering when they work. Just do not bother them with questions, prefer to immerse yourself in paperwork and the phone than serve customers. We will reduce expenses and we will benefit from it. And we will put robotic officials, at least we will get an artificial smile ...

  • Adi from Alicia

    Adi from Alicia


    They never answer the phone and never available on emails.

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