Bank Hapoalim в Haifa

ИзраильBank Hapoalim



🕗 время открытия

18, Ha-Nevi'im Street, 33501, Haifa, Haifa, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-653-2407
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.8135222, Longitude: 34.9957064

Комментарии 5

  • Dzmitry Mukha

    Dzmitry Mukha


    An absolutely horrible bank branch. The worst client experience I ever had. Try to avoid by all means.

  • Philip Holtzman

    Philip Holtzman


    this place is trash, how is the banking experience so incredibly horrible, crowded, people yelling in 4 languages and waiting for hours for the most trivial things

  • Lu Chik

    Lu Chik


    The most horrible service I've ever had! The fact is that I came from another city during pandemics because their worker told me to came this day for picking up the card as it was transfered from Tirat Hacarmel branch. However, they didn't allow me to enter, saying that they changed the rules and I need to schedule an appointment. They made me to come from Tirat Hacarmel to Haifa during the quarantine 3 times! just for collecting my bank card. They refused to sent it to my home address. Every time I came to the main branch they said that the card is still not there. 3rd time I came with the scheduled appointment, which I got at my last visit to the bank. So I the took a number and after 10 min passed my appointment time my number was called. But instead of taking me the bank worker took another woman. It was outrageous and I said that to the worker. He replied me not to worry that I will be next, and started serving that woman without an appointment. Then I mentioned it to the manager. To my big surprise she was rude and said " Just wait". Then I explained to her that I'm coming here 3rd time just for picking up my card, and I didn't even know if the card is there. I asked her to check on my card, as maybe there was not a point to wait at all. The manager again rudely refused. When I finally was accepted by another worker, who checked in the computer and said that the card wasn't there. It was overwhelming! I insisted on looking for the card more precisely, then she went somewhere and brought it. My question is what kind of people work in the Main branch of Bank Hapoalim?A you guys interested in helping your customers or in loosing them? You don't care about people's needs, you are not nice and polite, you're corrupted, accepting people without appointments. You don't even think about health safety making people who live in another city to come to you number of times just for picking up the card, instead of sending it home. Which in current situation would be a smarter and a safer decision. I just recently came from Canada as a returning resident and I'm already disappointed. It's not the same people and people relationships that I knew almost 20 years ago !

  • Zach Freund

    Zach Freund


    Good for English speakers. Sometimes you have to wait an eternity so don't plan on it being a quick visit if you have other plans that day.

  • Netta Perry

    Netta Perry


    Just don't. Chairs should be very comfortable considering the amount of time you have to wait. Out of 15 manned stations only 2 accept customers!! Been sitting for over 10 min, and nothing moved. Used to be a good helpful branch, no more.

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