Bank Hapoalim. в Jerusalem

ИзраильBank Hapoalim.



🕗 время открытия

101, Derech Hevron, 93480, Jerusalem, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-653-2407
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.7553667, Longitude: 35.222052

Комментарии 5

  • Emmanuel Dunand

    Emmanuel Dunand


    After living around the world for 30 years with bank accounts in every country I lived in, it is by far the worst banking experience I ever got! India was hard but so much better ! Rude, inefficient, long wait and extremely long procedures, people arguing with bank staff, no communication, …etc. You ought to avoid this bank unless you want to experience a Kafka novel

  • Pavel Zabuty

    Pavel Zabuty


    Zero service. Do not answer phones. No hours come back. Unable to confirm message to return. I sent faxes to the branch with a request to come back to me and nothing. Intriguing and lying. This is an official named Raz who told me that I would receive all the documents in the morning and that it was a matter of half an hour. And at noon he passed me with another clerk, who promised me nothing. As a result, I close my account at Bank Hapoalim and take out a loan at another bank. Thank you for the lesson

  • Leorah Parker

    Leorah Parker


    Service is poor. They have closed surrounding branches and you wait for over and hour at the hevron branch. Unacceptable. They also closing online english site. Their bank card Isracard service is very bad also. Card expired and the bank kept trying to order it. When it came the name was not correct.

  • wahid Muhtaseb

    wahid Muhtaseb


    This place is a complete disaster, Waiting an hour to take care of my business, this is not banking that's for sure, telling me I cannot deposit money in someone's account, and need to do it through the atm, I have an account but don't have a card, still has to be done through the atm, this is complete bs, i felt so bad for the clerk being under so much stress, she got a phone call from a family member, she answered for a second and told the person on the phone to call her back because she's dying here, she's said that!!! I felt so bad seeing her struggling, I was so frustrated myself, but after i saw that, I took myself and just left, will take my business somewhere else.

  • Chamila Thilanganie

    Chamila Thilanganie


    really poor assistance from the bankers....i have lot of experience with them , and they keep very poor attention regarding the destinations....some bankers are very stuff And rude too... spoiling hours when i went their....

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