🕗 ืฉืขืืช ืคืชืืื
ืืื ืจืืฉืื | - | |||||
ืืื ืฉื ื | - | |||||
ืืื ืฉืืืฉื | - | |||||
ืืื ืจืืืขื | - | |||||
ืืึนื ืืืืฉื | - | |||||
ืืื ืฉืืฉื | - | |||||
ืืื ืืฉืืช | - |
Hamayasedim 4, Yesod HaMa'ala, 1210500, ะะทัะฐะธะปั
ืื ืฉื ืงืฉืจ ืืืคืื: +972 52-324-9440
ืืชืจ ืืื ืืจื ื: www.booking.com
ืืจืื ืืืขื ืืืืืLatitude: 33.059174, Longitude: 35.61279
eylat sommer
::ืืงืื ืืจืืื, ืืืืืืชื, ื ืงื, ืืฉืืืจื ืื ื ืืื ืืื ืจืืื, ืืื, ืงืคื, ืชื, ืืืืคืื. ืขืฆืืฅ ืคืจืืื ืขื ืืฉืืืื. ืคืฉืื ืืงืกืื.
Michael Krygier
::Lovely boutique accommodation. Quiet yet central enough to visit the Golan, Metula, Rosh Hanikra and Tiberius. All within an hours drive. Ron, the owner was so helpful and accommodated all our needs. We highly recommend his place. It's not a 5 star hotel but cozy and comfortable. Even picked our breakfast oranges and lemons in the yard.
Manor Petel
::ืืงืื ืืื ืืืื ืืืืืื ืืฉืคืืืช. ืืืก ืื ืืืืื.
Jurjen Bus
::Mooie plaats met tuin en terras. Huis met airco en simpel ingericht en uitgerust.
::ืืืงืื ืืืืืืจืคื ืืืื ื ืื. ืงืจืื ืืื ืืงืื.