Armon Hayarkon в Tel Aviv-Yafo

ИзраильArmon Hayarkon



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268, HaYarkon Street, 6350409, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-605-5271
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.0939814, Longitude: 34.7739492

Комментарии 5

  • Евгений Скоробогатько

    Евгений Скоробогатько


    The best hotel in Tel-Aviv

  • peter valkovszki

    peter valkovszki


    the location is close to the beach, the rooms are good, and the receptionist Gil is great friendly guy.

  • Lee W

    Lee W


    Stay away! Horrible experience! I stayed at Armon Hayarkon for a lengthy stay and discovered the horror over time, which I tried to deny to myself, but it was ,nevertheless, in my face in clear day light. I experienced theft in the room. The manager left the keys in the main drawer in the lobby exposed to everyone. The manager even told the guests there is no one at the main desk in the evenings/ nights and, therefore, he leaves the keys in the drawer .The safety box in my room and in other rooms was broken. I went to the lobby for a few moments one evening and I was robbed. The hotel claimed they cannot use their cameras to track the thief .,. Another shocking account is that the long time top manager actually goes into rooms and snoops around. He actually came into my room and I was in the bathroom; he was do uncomfortable and turned red, I couldn’t think the worse of him until I saw him a couple more times going into occupied rooms and, again, he had the look of being caught. An additional shocking issue- homeless people come into the hotel at night and stay in rooms! If you think that is shocking, it gets even worse… no matter what happens at this hotel, they will not turn to the authorities.I actually saw the manager leave one of the hotel rooms and stick a note on the door to the hotel invader threatening him. All these horrible things do not diminish from the small issues which is impossible to get into here such as when you come to the hotel, the manager will just stare at you and not help you with your suitcases. There are so many great business hotels- keep yourself safe and keep away from this BAD one!

  • hen lange

    hen lange


    Worst service ever. Not suitable for the old. Not clean, dusty room.

  • Pinchas Eliyahu Sederowsky

    Pinchas Eliyahu Sederowsky


    Very nice rooms. Clean, fresh and with everything one can expect. Nice reception as well. This hotel has exceptional “value for money” and one gets more than one pay for. Unexpected. A friendly nice hotel. Highly recommended and a 5 star rating for the excellent Price/Value coefficient.

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