Albar car rental в Jerusalem

ИзраильAlbar car rental



🕗 время открытия

21, Shamgar Street, Jerusalem, IL Израиль
контакты телефон: +972 2-633-9666
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.7944565, Longitude: 35.208082

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Toby Weiss


    I was there on Friday 10 minutes before closing time after waiting in line for 20 minutes chana told me sorry we are closed and shilo didn't want to hear anything about us being there before closing time he said that currently it's already after closing and then they started cursing us out Worst place ever Also a couple of weeks before this I picked sup a minivan for 110 dollars a day in the tlv airport albar made me wait for over an hour to receive the car because it wasn't ready In other words never use albar

  • en

    Kenneth Deutsch


    I rented here a few times and had only great experiences. One time, I accidentally put diesel in the car and it broke down over the green line in a dangerous area (real Israeli boondocks). This was on a Motzash (Sat night). They sent a tow truck with a replacement car and swapped cars with me within a few hours. I was really afraid of the bill but it turned out it was only a few hundred shekels. Overall, my experience with them has been excellent.

  • A Schlesinger

    A Schlesinger


    Really bad service DON'T GO THERE! they all play on their phones. and my car was broken I had to wait a few hours someone should come and fix it and I lost my whole day, when I asked for a refund for that day, they told me they will refund it later but they never did and my CC was charged when I returned home! so I cant even call them

  • en

    Edward stern


    Good car in decent shape pretty clean but the service stinks. There is a new guy working there i think his name is gilo. short, has a pointy beard and thick rimmed glasses. try and stay far from him. i rented the car from them and luckily for me i took a video of the exterior as he was marking down all the scratches. turns out he (deliberately??) missed a mark and when i returned it the next day, he made a big show of checking the whole car. it took him about 12 minutes and with a flourish and grin shows me that he marked it down as new. i argued and told him it was there yesterday but he already made up his mind and didnt even pay attention to the video. eventually i cleared it with the office upstairs after showing them the video they threw out his report. i was lucky because i took the video. imagine some innocent fella who doesnt. because of gilo he'll have to fork out who knows how much for nothing!! STAY WAY! USE AVIS.

  • en

    משה ארליך


    Centrally located rental car office... decent prices

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