ืืื ืืืืข
๐ ืฉืขืืช ืคืชืืื
ืืื ืจืืฉืื | โ | |||||
ืืื ืฉื ื | โ | |||||
ืืื ืฉืืืฉื | โ | |||||
ืืื ืจืืืขื | โ | |||||
ืืึนื ืืืืฉื | โ | |||||
ืืื ืฉืืฉื | โ | |||||
ืืื ืืฉืืช | โ |
ะะตัะฐะฝะธั, ะะทัะฐะธะปั
ืื ืฉื ืงืฉืจ ืืืคืื: +972 9-880-0258
ืืจืื ืืืขื ืืืืืLatitude: 32.2830528, Longitude: 34.8615892
Jeff Starrfield
::Yoram's is the place to go for quality cheeses at good prices! ืืืืจื ืืฉ ืืืืื ืืืื ืืช ืืืืืช ืืืืืจืื ืืืืื
Alex Azoulay
::ืฉืืจืืช ืืขืืื, ืืืฆืจืื ืืจืืื ืืืขืืืื ืืืื ืืื ืืกืฃ ืืื! ืืืืืฅ ืืืื!
ืฉืืืื ืืืืงืื
::ืืืื ืฉืืจืืช ืืืฆืจืื ืืจืื ืขืืืืืช ืืจื ืืืขืื ืชืืื. ืฉืืจืืช ืืืื ืืืืื.
ืืื ืืืืจืื
::ืืืขืื ืื. ืื ืกืืื ืืกืืืื. ืืืื ืืขืืฉื ืื. ืืื ื, ืื ืฉืืื, ืืืืฆืื. ืืืืจ ืขื ืง ืฉื ืืืชืื. ืื ืกืืื ืื ืงื ืืงืื ืืืคืกืืจืืืช. ืืืืจ ืขื ืง ืฉื ืืืื ืืช. ืืฉืงืืืช: ืืืจื. ืืื. ืืฉืงืืืช ืืจืืคืื. ืขืืืืืช ืืืืืจืืช. ืงืื ืืืื. ืืื ืืจื, ืืงืื ื ืงื ืืืกืืืจ. ืืืขืืงืจ ืืื ืืฉืจ
Aida Toporek
::Extensive variety of salads, cold cuts, fish, frozen meet and other products. The smoked tuna is one of my favorites, highly recommend it. Prices are fair. Service is good but if you visit the place on a Thursday afternoon or Friday morning be prepared to wait in line and quite a stressing line since there are no numbers being handled or no clear, ordered line.