עיניים תותבות в Beersheba

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המרכז הרפואי האוניברסיטאי סורוקה, בניין מרפאות החוץ קומת קרקע, מול מרכז בריאות השד ובסמוך למכון הגנטי באר שבע, Beersheba, 8410101, Israel
контакты телефон: +972 8-640-3167
Веб-сайт: artificial-eyes.business.site
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.2603282, Longitude: 34.7994659

Комментарии 5

  • ירון רובין

    ירון רובין


    BSD About 4 years ago I had a serious work accident when a piece of machine blade flew into my left eye and literally crushed it. In a 3.5-hour surgery performed by Dr. Belfer who was able to stabilize and rebuild it. I also underwent 5 eye surgeries over 3.5 years in which Dr. Noam also operated on the eye. But after 5 surgeries the eye that does not see from the injury started to chronically ache intense pain that does not stop for about 3 months and then in the 6th surgery they had to dislodge the eye. 4 months ago I met the angels in human form Valentina and those from Soroka prosthetic eye lab who treated faithfully and with complete love not only in the missing eye these in my wounded soul, as a middle-aged man (I am 52 years old) who lost the important and visible organ to every eye in the first second. I received from them love and a homely feeling, self-confidence and hope to once again be a person who is not ashamed of his freaky appearance (according to my personal feeling). Today, the very day 13/05/2021, I went out for the first time with my complex lens on my eye when I no longer needed my particularly dark sunglasses and was no longer afraid to expose my eyes as in the past, something that restored my personal confidence. Thank you so much to all the staff at Soroka Ben Am the receptionists who receive you like a housemate with a smile and patience to the nurses and doctors both in outpatient clinics and in the ward. Huge personal thanks to the angels Valentina and those from the prosthetic eye lab that were added today are for me as a family. Personal thanks to Jordan Ohanona the perfect reception in outpatient clinics. Personal thanks to the professional and stunning doctors: Dr. Noam. Dr. Belfer. Dr. Tzumi. And to Dr. Sultan on the end of suffering. Thank you all, God sent angels on earth who will give and God will give you more of his wisdom and many years to engage in saving his sons and daughters and improving their physiological and mental Amen. May there be a desire ...

  • ברכה כהן

    ברכה כהן


    I came to Ella Valentina from Saroka Hospital after receiving failed treatment in Haifa. Two years after the treatment there from "the best doctor in the field" I could not stand the pain and arrived in Valentina and Ella. The angels saved me. I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror and my confidence has returned to me. The pains I experienced, the red and bleeding eye inflammation, the dryness and the days of crying pain and lack of sleep were immediately over. From these two dedicated women I received dedicated care with a lot of caring, endless courtesy and mostly professionalism. Today I got the new eye and cried with excitement. The eye is so beautiful, fitted exactly to the other eye so no one can even know I have a prosthesis in my eye. I no longer have to put up with the looks of the people around or the questions that they have given a perfect result. These are Valentina, Thank you so much for the perfect job! Thanks for the warm treatment. You will know that you not only treated the eye but also the broken heart. Today I know I have an address. I wish everyone who needs an eye to receive the treatment I received. Thank you very much ❤️

  • mhd channel

    mhd channel


    Dirty place and poor service

  • Sohelas Asad

    Sohelas Asad


    I am very, very happy with the work that the expert on artificial eyes, Valentia, has done. She has done a wonderful job for me. I never thought that I would become so beautiful with two eyes thanks to the wonderful Valentina and Lala. The laboratory must be bigger and wider. We hope that Valentina will get a better place from this laboratory Once again, I thank Fantastic Valentia for her great work. She did it for me and I thank her for the wonderful treatment

  • Khaled Khalil

    Khaled Khalil


    Bad service

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