Western Wall в Jerusalem

ИзраильWestern Wall


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Latitude: 31.7767189, Longitude: 35.2345085

Комментарии 5

  • Austin Graff

    Austin Graff


    The Western Wall is quite the experience. Despite thousands of tourists passing through here, it's still an ancient Jewish site of prayer. That means the majority of people here are here to pray so be respectful of that. Once you enter, there's a blocked off section for tourists to watch the prayer happen. Men and women are separated with men on the left and women on the right. Men must wear a Jewish hat provided to you. You're welcome to pray at the wall, but walk slowly as thousands gather to pray, dance, and sing. Be respectful. DO NOT TAKE PHOTOS. Even if you think you're being sneaky, someone out of no where will yell at you. Also, beware of birds flying over you. I got pooped on twice in a span of twenty minutes. The entire experience can be overwhelming so be prepared for your senses to go haywire.

  • en

    isaac halpern


    The holiness is like nowhere else in the would. Walk or take the light rail as buses are very crowded.Respect the local customs i.e women should wear modest clothes and men should cover head, free head coverings are given but these tend to fly off in the wind so a cap would be a better idea.

  • en

    Elk Tilles


    The Western Wall is the holiest site in Judaism. We come here to stand and pray as close to the site of the holy temples as possible. It is open for prayer twenty four hours a day seven days a week. Modest clothing for women and covered heads for men are a must. On Mondays and Thursdays there are bar mitzvahs with accompanying musicians and dancing.

  • Маријана Пауновић

    Маријана Пауновић


    The stones of the wall are chiseled in a way that is characteristic of the construction during the times of Herod the Great: The stone frame is chiseled, smoothed and a bit sunken, whereas the center of the stone protrudes outwards. The wall is made out of quarried stones of massive size. Their weight ranges from 2 to 5 tons. Those who stand near the wall will notice that each course of stones recedes around 3 cm inwards from the course under it. This building method was meant to strengthen and stabilize the wall.

  • Yeme Machine

    Yeme Machine


    The western wall is one of the few remaining relics of the original Israel and is one of the last few links between ancient Israel and the Modern day. To put this in perspective of anyone who isn't Jewish this would be if humans left earth due to threats of dying out altogether, and a thousand years later came back to find the UN building still intact. That is why this wall holds religious value in the Jewish world because its the last remaining piece of the Second Holy temple.

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