Tzina i Tel Aviv-Yafo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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116, Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL Израиль
kontakter telefon: +972 52-533-0028
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Latitude: 32.0806645, Longitude: 34.7739977

kommentar 5

  • יניר דסקל

    יניר דסקל


    מקום ממש מקסים, אווירה טובה, מבחר אלכוהול מגוון ואוכל משובח - סלט עגבניות יוצאה מהכלל שירות אדיב.

  • giorgia posta

    giorgia posta


    Bel posto dove si beve molto bene, ci sono pasti veloci e di qualità ma soprattutto personale attento, gentile e simpatico! Consigliatissimo 😊

  • en

    Annika Krickheigel


    GREAT BAR! Even greater Bartender. Friendly people and very good vibes. Recommended!

  • en

    Guy Bn


    Nice bar. Great prices in Happy Hour. Good pizza. Awful service. The waitress was bz looking for God knows what in the garbage can. We waited for the floor for 57 minutes. Eventually we ate only small portion of what we ordered. Good for the diet and for the pocket, but I think the owner should be aware. Good looking young girls as waitresses is nice concept in so many ways, but their service attitude or capabilities not always goes hand in hand with their looks. So, may be, put a braless waitress just to walk among the customers, and let real people handle the real job of serving

  • עמית שיינטל

    עמית שיינטל


    Nice place to hang out with friends... Not very loud and the atmosphere is very "tel aviv" (hard to explain), food is just OK and pricing is not on the cheap side but it is what it is.... Recommended

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