The Carlton Hotel Nahariya в Nahariya

ИзраильThe Carlton Hotel Nahariya



🕗 время открытия

Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
23, Sderot HaGa'aton, Nahariya, Akko, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 4-900-5555
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 33.0063178, Longitude: 35.0948123

Комментарии 5

  • TY Nesher

    TY Nesher


    We were there for a weekend, the staff is nice but clueless, every question i had at the desk was met with "not sure", "i dont know", i expect a willingness to solve my problem or answer to my questions. They didnt have this sign for the door for cleaners not to enter, we locked the door after the cleaner was about to enter and she used her key to open....very disturbing that the cleaner heard us lock and carried on unlocking, yes i heard her say that we locked and her manager told her to enter anyway, the rooms are below average, broken handle, old dirty shower handle and cap, scratches and this old weary look to the furniture, spider webs on ceiling, etc. The food was tasty and nice, parking is terrible, they have limited space and prefer to give to workers instead of us that paid around 1500 shekels a night, the hotel is at best 2 stars and definitely not worth the money

  • Chananel Ehrman

    Chananel Ehrman


    Very nice and pleasant hotel, although rated as 4 star, but probably only a 3 star. The room was relatively clean and had a good vibe to it.

  • Isaac Just

    Isaac Just


    Old room's the place was dirty

  • shabtai beniamin

    shabtai beniamin


    We arrived at the hotel for a weekend getaway. The reception staff was courteous and prompt. Large clean room. Needs general renewal. A bath needs renewal and renovation, in the evening there is no hot water and you have to wait until late to get enough hot water for bathing. Clean dining room and courteous wait staff, food served is extremely reasonable and suitable for everyone both in the evening and at breakfast. On weekends you can shop in the nearby streets free of blue and white from 2pm until Sunday 8am. In the evening there was no activity at the hotel, you can go for a walk on the nearby promenade. Another advantage of the hotel is its location

  • Ana Vigodi

    Ana Vigodi


    We went to the Spa on the last floor in this hotel. The place was horrible! completely um-maintained, rats running around the food, dying bugs in the Jacuzzi.. it was hideous! The staff was very good though. The massage itself felt really good and the receptionist was kind.

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