סומבררו אופקים i Ofakim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Israelסומבררו אופקים



🕗 åbningstider

40, Herzl Blvd, 8753003, Ofakim, Be'er Sheva, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 53-934-9236
internet side: rest.geteat.co.il
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.3145973, Longitude: 34.6210768

kommentar 5

  • שרה ועקנין

    שרה ועקנין


    Great new place clean and delicious League service Highly recommend !!!!! 💯

  • אורי פרץ

    אורי פרץ


    Good food I really liked

  • Alon Levy

    Alon Levy


    Terrible place and shocking service! We ordered and were told that shipping is free in 4 packages or more. When the food arrived we were missing things from the order and were charged for a delivery that was supposed to be free. When we called the place to complain, the manager said we were guilty because we did not indicate to the courier that the delivery was supposed to be free. unbelievable!!! They did not return the money or the food we were supposed to receive. Do not order from them, you will be disappointed like us ....

  • Sahar Alkolombra

    Sahar Alkolombra


    Good service and pleasant atmosphere, most of the food was delicious but the fried cauliflower was not really ripe, soaked in oil and the batter (coating) was mushy on the inside as if not fried enough. Reasonable prices.

  • ניסים חג'ג'

    ניסים חג'ג'


    Very surprising Very inviting and fresh clean Very tasty In short recommended

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