שף כל i Ar'ara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Israelשף כל



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מרכז שף כל קציר, Ar'ara, Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 54-692-2307
internet side: www.chefcall.co.il
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Latitude: 32.496323, Longitude: 35.097292

kommentar 5

  • Eran Eldor

    Eran Eldor


    Great and fresh merchandise, cordial service and good prices. Free shipping of a certain amount. highly recommend!

  • שלום שושני

    שלום שושני


    The best is there.

  • Abed Younis

    Abed Younis


    Expensive and the meat is not particularly anything Tomahawk cost 130 shekels supposedly outdated but the smell excuse me was smelly. The look of the meat is stunning and the taste is not worth the price. A kilo of beef in another butcher shop 65 fresh shekels. A real disappointment

  • Yaki Haas

    Yaki Haas


    I know them from the moment they opened in the early Corona, great people, wonderful service, and a pleasant shopping experience Excellent quality meat and with all kinds of specials A sense of place on an international level in the appeal recommended

  • Amir Cohen Dreman

    Amir Cohen Dreman


    Following a recommendation, I arrived with my partner and four children. Plenty of parking, at the entrance we were directed to the "on fire" complex where we were treated to the best meats and this for free. When I asked what that meant, Joseph, the owner smiled and said it was his approach, and knows that people order meat, as well as shop at the supermarket so he enjoys pampering the customers. The supermarket has a large selection of very high quality products, clean and very tidy. I will definitely be back, we got to meet wonderful people, eat well and go shopping. Pictured is Joseph the owner on the moment of the BBQ compound.

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