Shlomo SIXT в תל אביב יפו

ИзраильShlomo SIXT



🕗 время открытия

241, הירקון, 6340530, תל אביב יפו, IL Израиль
контакты телефон: +972 3-529-5599
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.0893763, Longitude: 34.7707417

Комментарии 3

  • en

    Gennadiy Lyubomirov


    This review is not just for this location. It is about the Shlomo Sixt company all together. I visit Israel quite often with my family. We rent a car every time. This year, 2017 we used Shlomo Sixt, because they were the cheapest. And the cheapest they were. The car we were given was very dirty. We asked for a replacement, they didn't have any except once are smaller in size. We had to take the dirty and all badly scratched up one. They did not accept our credit card warranty coverage and forced us to purchase the Israeli mandatory insurance. While using the car, we noticed that it was very poorly maintained. The battery died at one point and we got stranded in the desert heat for an hour. When we called the Sixt for help, they said the help will be in between 1 and 3 hours. In about an hour we got a jump-start from a driving by person. Right after that we got a call back from the Sixt to arrange the service we no longer needed. We returned the car at a very same day. During our possession of the car, somebody hit it to the rear bumper while it was parked over night, and made a dent on the corner of the plastic. I could have it fixed for between $50 and $200.00 depending on the quality of the repair. I figured I would rather pay it to the rental place then wasting my vacation time on it. Shlomo Sixt charged me full deductible of $438.00. I'm sure they are going to fix it for $50.00 and give this P.O.S. to another "looser" like me. Other rental companies wouldn't even say anything about damage like this. Stay away from Shlomo Sixt. May be other companies charge a little more money, but at the end you will save rather then loose with Shlomo.

  • en

    88769 245


    This place is only getting two stars because the Avis down the street was somehow even worse. (See my review of the HaYarkon Avis for the details.) I still can't believe what a gigantic catastrophe renting a car in Israel is. Here's the TL;DR version of this story: if you can avoid renting a car in Israel, then avoid it. If you *must* rent a car, rent one from the Hertz at Ben-Gurion Airport Terminal 3. They're open all the time (24h), they're nice, and they won't nickel-and-dime you to death like the rest of these agencies. Oh, also: do not trust the quotes from the internet or from the US call center; they do not include "unlimited mileage", which means that if you want to drive very far in a country the size of Connecticut, you'll pay extra. In fact, you'll pay extra for a lot of things, so don't splurge on anything but the most tiny car, which by the way will help you when you need a parking space. Also (again): get FULL insurance. All of it, every possible thing. Windows, tires, car, body, the very air the car drives through. All of it. If not, you'll pay. "How will I pay", you ask? In Shlomo Sixt's case, I returned the car and just as they were wrapping up the paperwork so I could get to the airport and catch my flight, they tell me "you have a flat tire, we're going to charge you." Flat tire? How did I manage to return the car with a flat tire? No matter: the gentleman points to a tiny speck in the tire and says "you have a nail in the tire. See?" Is tire sensor in the car warning of a flat? No. Is the car leaning to one side? No. Had that nail been in the tire since before I rented it? Hmm...some things must remain a mystery, I guess. Oh wait, here's the couple returning their car behind me, dealing with their own rental return: "What do you mean, flat tire?" Judge for yourselves, folks. Learn from my mistakes, everyone! Don't rent a car in Israel. Certainly not from anywhere on HaYarkon.

  • en

    Max Dicker


    Horrible place, bad service, not polite people not recommended

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