פיצה זאזא ראשלצ в Rishon LeTsiyon

Израильפיצה זאזא ראשלצ


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14, Moshe Beker Street, Rishon LeTsiyon, Rehovot, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-674-5353
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.974415, Longitude: 34.8090975

Комментарии 5

  • John Doe

    John Doe


    They changed their name it's not pizza zaza now and they do not accept the orange military discount card

  • Alex Bulka

    Alex Bulka


    I'm glad there is a minimum of one star because so I have to find at least one good thing to have in place. So one star gets the place they managed to get Kosher Passover pizza for Passover. So that's how long-time acquaintances we ordered a "chef" pizza on the phone as we usually know and do. When the pizza arrived we were surprised to find that "no chef and no shoes" - the size of the pizza has changed and it was about a quarter smaller than the one we know, but the typical box remained as it is. The pizza did not in any way mention the flavor and additions of the original Zaza and this time we got a pizza that looked like someone had decided to learn how to make a pizza. In addition, the pizza came without sauces, spices and cartons. We called the branch to clarify the matter and after about half an hour the branch manager Yael came back to us. Instead of apologizing, Yael began to tell me that the business changed ownership and they are working on a different recipe and the taste is different because it is "kosher for Passover" dough, and if we were to ask about the size of the pizza then they would let us know that things have changed (definitely important to ask in every order). It is important to note that the original Zaza pizza cost was NIS 88 (and rightly so) but this pizza does not scratch pizzas sold for NIS 20 and we still had to pay the original price for it. Yael explained to me "politely" that if she wanted, she would sell her pizzas for NIS 100 for pizza as well, and that I should be grateful that they had "kosher for Passover" pizza (Yael, to bring me closer to avoiding Pesach pizza, thank you!). Yael offered me a bottle of Coke (and thank God for NIS 5!) But never once did I apologize for coming out with such a feeling. Yael was not embarrassed to ride the success of Zaza's Pizza when she marketed her (medium minus minus) pizza and demanded her a "plus plus" price and didn't even apologize for the grief I suffered for her business. We will never return to the new-old pizza, mainly because of the poor service and overpriced and medium flavors.

  • Eli Vilnaei

    Eli Vilnaei


    The most delicious pizza I have eaten on Sunday, and among the best in the country. Prices went up. A variety of extras. Not kosher for anyone who interferes. The dough is neither thick nor too thin, also excellent in crispies. Price counter weight, you can order half a tray instead of a menu or assembly. Minimum one tray delivery.

  • YJ J

    YJ J


    In short: disappointing pizza, substandard standards, few seats and a barren population Since I know pizza pizza from Hod Hasharon, I expected the same level of pizza with crispy dough, crisp crispies in my mouth and a sense of freshness. Instead, the two family pizzas we ordered had a very thick, oily dough, all soaked and reminiscent of Pizza Hut dough. I certainly did not come to the expensive Zaza to get a pizza from a snack bar and they must (even at the recently disappointed branch of Hod Hasharon) begin to have uniformity in their standards. I expect to have the same level of pizza every time I come and not be dependent on the slaughter of that day. In addition, the surrounding population is also problematic. Noisy teenagers and barbarians who leave behind dirt.

  • Keren Etkin

    Keren Etkin


    Simply delicious. One of the best pizza's I've ever had. Try the one with the mushrooms, you won't regret it.

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