פיצה אונו i Ganei Tikva

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Israelפיצה אונו



🕗 åbningstider

67, Harei Yehuda Street, Ganei Tikva, Petach Tikva, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 3-635-1166
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Latitude: 32.060432, Longitude: 34.8679375

kommentar 5

  • Boaz Mashiyah

    Boaz Mashiyah


    Very tasty pizza, very courteous service, reasonable price

  • Naor L

    Naor L


    Very tasty! And the service is excellent 😀

  • שלי בר חביב

    שלי בר חביב


    Wow wow the most delicious pizza I have ever eaten in their world

  • זהר אלבז

    זהר אלבז


    Want to pardon Pizza Ono for service on cleanliness What a crazy level pizza thanks to Ilan who has a place On the abundance the children flew. With love you deserve a great pizza.

  • סימון אבזי

    סימון אבזי


    I came to pick up mail and took pizza on the way. The staff and the landlord should be noted for a clean place and service. Too bad I arrived home and tasted the pizza and the pizza was amazing and we could not. We ordered home delivery and amazing service.

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