Pizza Shemes פיצה שמש i Ganei Tikva

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IsraelPizza Shemes פיצה שמש



🕗 åbningstider

7, Ein Ganim Street, Ganei Tikva, Petach Tikva, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 3-634-4000
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.0600261, Longitude: 34.8682961

kommentar 5

  • נסים שמואלי

    נסים שמואלי


    I ordered a pizza and got something else Instead of apologizing and preparing a new minimum of what I ordered the girl writes me a check and disappears After an hour and a quarter I go back to her telling me that this is what I ordered 2 minutes after that a creature calls me and starts yelling on the phone talking horror Admits there was a mistake !! But solar pizza compensation do not give nor do they prepare for you what you asked for and paid it turns out Pretty tasty pizza but awful service !! If it were possible I would give zero stars I will never enter this branch again

  • Gad Shalev

    Gad Shalev


    Delicious and worth the price.

  • עידן יצחקי

    עידן יצחקי


    I ordered 7 trays of garlic bread pizzas and a twist to Brit Yitzchak and all my guests got upset stomach

  • Doron Sol

    Doron Sol


    Great price and delicious pizza, my son died for their pizza. Very fast and courteous

  • Hsan Hsan

    Hsan Hsan


    High level branch Delicious Delicious Pizza Worth the price Just do not change anything in the pizza and not in the price👌👌

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