Netanya Motel Pierre в Netanya

ИзраильNetanya Motel Pierre



🕗 время открытия

33, Dizengoff Street, Netanya, HaSharon, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 54-804-8289
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.3293079, Longitude: 34.8536451

Комментарии 5

  • Iryna Zhytnikovska (M Ezh)

    Iryna Zhytnikovska (M Ezh)


    Great for it's price. Clean and very close to center. The only thing that wall dies not protect from surrounding sounds. Still I really enjoyed my staying.

  • Yaniv Grinberg

    Yaniv Grinberg


    The owner of this place is a crook. Here is what happened, we booked this place online for 2 of us. We got back from the beach and checked in. We had a 3rd friend come and change in our room. All 3 of us left to go get food. The owner calls me and starts yelling on the phone and threatening to call the police on me. He says “I told you this was only for 2 people.” We were only planning on staying 2 people but figured its okay to let our friend come and change his clothes for 5 minutes. So we went to talk to the owner to explain our position. However, as soon as we got there he was red hot, yelling at us and threatening to call the cops. He said “you are stealing from me” All because we let a 3rd person into the room to change his clothes. He also said “you people” I think referring to the fact that we are religious Jews. He might have in issue with that. We tried to reason with him with multiple tries. He didn’t want to listen. Just kept yelling and threatening us. He was extremely rude and confrontational, I felt he was going to physically assault me at any point. He kicked us out of the hotel within 1.5 hours of us checking in, we had no place to stay and it was the late afternoon. He didn’t give us our money back, which makes me think he is a scam artist and uses these excuses to take advantage of innocent tourists. He did not give us any written contract at the beginning of check in. We had no idea what the rules were. He did not check for our Identification documents. This man was extremely unprofessional and did not follow the law. HUGE WARNING: do not fall prey for the very low price, he will scam you as well. This man is a crook and his business needs to be closed down for how he runs it.

  • Joel Block

    Joel Block


    Excellent value for money. I got a double room with wifi , air conditioning and Israeli cable TV. Netanya has a beautiful beachfront and this accommodation is located in the middle in a very good location.

  • Yann Cocatrix

    Yann Cocatrix


    The location and the price is really good. We were only there for one short night but we enjoyed being in the center of everything. But the owner is a d***. Sorry about the language but I wrote him at 5 in the morning to tell my wife was really sick and couldn't move so we asked if we can't manage leaving at 11 if it's possible to leave at 12 or 13.. he through us outside at 11 and nearly insulted us. My gf, after a hard walk, ended up laying in the car with A/C for 3 hours before feeling a little bit better.. thanks man !

  • Cristian Irey

    Cristian Irey


    Me and my wife came to Israel for an entire month. To summarize the experience we had a very enjoyable time and really enjoyed staying at this location. Pierre was very attentive taking care of matters very quickly. The area was very clean and had nice accommodations such as free WiFi, a kettle for hot water, a microwave, hot water for a nice showers, a refrigerator, a really good air conditioner and much more. This location was a very good value, it was so close to the beach, stores, restaurants and the central station for all major buses. I give this place and Pierre 5 stars not because it is a palace (otherwise he would charge much, much more!) but because of the great value and how well you are treated.

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