מרפאת שיניים דר ותד Dental Clinic Dr. Wattad в Pardes Hanna-Karkur

Израильמרפאת שיניים דר ותד Dental Clinic Dr. Wattad



🕗 время открытия

95, Ha-Dkalim Street, 3702191, Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Hadera, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 53-933-8450
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.473217, Longitude: 34.9735298

Комментарии 5

  • דור דוד

    דור דוד


    I went to the Dr. and Ted dental clinic with the goal of doing orthodontics. Beyond the professional attitude I received an amazing attitude with lots of patience! The whole period of straightening when I needed care even the smallest they were there for me from now on and treated my teeth in the most professional way. The result is perfect, the accuracy, delicacy and direction even after the teeth are straight and perfect. The materials last a long time and even when I returned today for a review and questions - the service was still excellent and good. I chose the best clinic! Thank you for everything :)

  • ישראלה ביינסאי

    ישראלה ביינסאי


    After many, many years in which I was treated in different places I found the best clinic! The caring concern and especially the dedicated care caused my whole family to be treated at Der and Ted Highly recommend !!

  • לירון אבן-ארי

    לירון אבן-ארי


    I arrived at the clinic for an appointment with Dr. Veded, and when I first saw him I was relieved. A smiling doctor, pleasant and gentle, at eye level. Explains and shares processes and gives the most pleasant feeling there is. The clinic is very clean and inviting, really homely. And the equipment - advanced! Fun to get to a place like this :) Doctor, you do not have to !!

  • עידן מיליונשצ'יק

    עידן מיליונשצ'יק


    The clinic staff is just perfect, amazing attitude! highly recommend!!!

  • מיטל כהן

    מיטל כהן


    Beyond the great professionalism of the clinic, the warm attitude, caring and reliability of the clinic staff and Dr. Veded is no less important. I arrived at the clinic with a variety of dental problems and with fears and anxieties ahead of the treatments. From the beginning of the treatment until the end, I received a detailed explanation of what I was going to go through (even if I asked full times. Dr. Vated even drew me on a page for me to understand😜). The treatments went surprisingly painlessly (mostly implants) .. After treatment always call to ask how I feel. They have always been available and flexible for me. The feeling when coming to the clinic is family, giving you a feeling that you really came for treatment and not making a fuss about a patient. Very sensitive and see the patient and his opinion is very important to staff. No more satisfied than me. I made the best choice for a perfect smile. 🙏💖🙏.

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