Mizrahi Bank i Kiryat Malakhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelMizrahi Bank



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22, Jabotinski Street, Kiryat Malakhi, Ashkelon, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 76-804-0500
internet side: www.mizrahi-tefahot.co.il
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Latitude: 31.7303482, Longitude: 34.7470469

kommentar 5

  • אברהם מורגנשטיין

    אברהם מורגנשטיין


    My experience from this branch is not good. I only came to collect credit. In my experience the ticket does not always arrive when it comes to pick up, so I make sure in advance before arrival. As of this morning there has been no telephone answering from the branch. The message center said that they did not answer them either and that was the case later in the day. Message center said they would get back to me and did not come back. At the end I arrived and a representative there instead of listening started arguing. I was not there to put my money there let's say.

  • קרן זמסקי

    קרן זמסקי


    Unparalleled impudence! A year after the corona started and the guard is still standing and not allowing entry to the branch. The branch is empty of customers, so God forbid no one will come in or interfere with employees dozing there. Not the first time this has happened there. There is personal treatment only in advertisements ...

  • Yuri Firger

    Yuri Firger


    Stay away from the branch like from fire. One private bank that does a favor that it even answers you, a branch manager lacks understanding of who the customer is. Left the commercials, this bank proves that he has long since forgotten who works for whom. (Some of the employees at the branch are really good employees, but they are very few, hoping that switching to another branch will lead to better service)

  • רויטל מורדו

    רויטל מורדו


    Liran Amos kindly and matter-of-factly helped me and the passerby banker who provides service at the regular counter was simply helpful and very kind. Thank you very much for your help

  • Moshe Ido

    Moshe Ido


    A large and elegant branch. I visited the branch yesterday, over 20 people, where adults receive service from only one barber (who by the way worked non-stop) and to my question the smug and smug manager answered that "this is what it is". Another librarian served business customers only. I waited over an hour to get service.

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