Mizrahi Bank в Kefar Sava

ИзраильMizrahi Bank



🕗 время открытия

13, HaTa'as Street, Kefar Sava, Petach Tikva, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 76-862-2829
Веб-сайт: www.mizrahi-tefahot.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.1755664, Longitude: 34.9266855

Комментарии 5

  • אביבית ביסמוט

    אביבית ביסמוט


    Clumsy and slow.

  • בית ספר בן גוריון כפר סבא

    בית ספר בן גוריון כפר סבא


    There is no telephone answering at the dryers branch on the line

  • אילנה קלינגהופר

    אילנה קלינגהופר


    The place is well run

  • Yael Shany

    Yael Shany


    For the past four days I have been "working" to reach you and reach the correct address with the above request. What is happening is simply unacceptable, and I intend to continue to the complaints department at your bank, and from there to the public complaints representative. Four days ago I spoke to the mortgage representative with you, I think its name is Tammy. Told me to contact the insurance department with this. In the insurance department that took me hours to get it, I was told I was not their insurer so I would go back to the branch. I dial the branch, stay on the line for 40 minutes each time, leave a phone for a repeat reply and two days later no return and no one comes. I sent a fax with the branch application, no response. Trying to dial all these days, reception hours 9am to 3pm, every 40 minutes on the line, no sound and no answer except for background music. I also dialed a general hotline, no service center I no longer have addresses, this is unacceptable. These days, a bank that does not respond for 4 days no longer exists for me and I will distribute it to many. It's not a service. The money I'm waiting for from my "Rule" insurance can't come in. I will also require you to pay the cost of the minus interest fee on days when Bank Tefahot so busy cannot respond in any way to my request. Tomorrow I will arrive at the branch, which in itself is unacceptable for such a standard certificate, and will not leave until I receive it, even if I have to reach the branch manager and other branch manager. I have no words to describe the size of disappointment and frustration from your bank, sub level. Lucky I wasn't convinced to open a current account with you either.

  • אלה רז

    אלה רז


    A customer of the bank and the service there and the personal attitude is one of the things that stands out for good there! Keep it up

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