Meuhedet Clinic в Holon

ИзраильMeuhedet Clinic



🕗 время открытия

45, Sderot Kugel, Holon, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 3-502-1414
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.0231779, Longitude: 34.7748594

Комментарии 5

  • שלמה משה פור

    שלמה משה פור


    A really unsympathetic and unpleasant experience The pharmacy on the face I was waiting for just an hour to buy one medicine The pharmacists are always indifferent and are slowly missing and apparently missing. Pharmacists even though there are not many in line, very few people visit the place, apparently there is no manager, so the place is really neglected. It is really not worth coming to this clinic.

  • Наталия Наталья

    Наталия Наталья


    Good doctors. I'm satisfied. We have been seeing this clinic for 12 years.

  • מתן משאלי

    מתן משאלי


    The service provided by the secretariat at the dental clinic in Kugel Holon is very poor. The attitude of the secretariat is a contemptuous and unprofessional attitude. When I arrived at the dental clinic I was told that there was a delay of over 40 minutes (it should be noted that I arrived 5 minutes late). The secretariat did not even bother to call and inform me. At the height of her impudence, Secretary Osnat told me this is what there is we can not call and inform. In addition to that and instead of apologizing and taking responsibility she told me in a dismissive tone "look you are 5 minutes late too" and spoke in an unprofessional and inappropriate manner. It should be noted that the clinic was almost empty and the secretaries were busy playing with their personal phones. The dismissive attitude is balanced and the additional secretaries repeat themselves several times. Luckily the secretaries were without a mask so I could see the sour and contemptuous faces they make. It is worth noting Dr. Ural and his assistant Rachel for their dedicated and courteous professional care.

  • nica nica

    nica nica


    I had a tooth crack during dental treatment. Do not recommend just wasting money and going out with more problems.

  • עמנואל בן פורת

    עמנואל בן פורת


    The clerk does not check in the rulebook if she is allowed to charge the commission she demands. And the principal there is placed only because of her beautiful face. Besides she does not bring any benefit or added value to the HMO.

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