Library Bar i תל אביב יפו

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelLibrary Bar


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23-25, נחמני, תל אביב יפו, IL ישראל
kontakter telefon: +972 3-543-5555
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Latitude: 32.0659152, Longitude: 34.7755027

kommentar 5

  • Eran Dromy

    Eran Dromy


    Great place with a very unique atmosphere feeling that you wouldn't find anywhere else. The cocktails are amazing and the food over there is awesome. Welcoming and very helpful service.

  • Guy Boyangu

    Guy Boyangu


    good atmosphere and great service, but mediocre overpriced cocktails

  • Alexandra Melnikov

    Alexandra Melnikov


    Waited for a long time. Ordered 2 different cocktails, all tasted the same.

  • Dave Fan

    Dave Fan


    refined place for a drink. perfect ambiance, intriguing cocktails, and friendly staff

  • Eyal Herlin

    Eyal Herlin


    A great lounge located inside the upscale Norman boutique hotel. I personally really love the atmosphere and background music. The crowd is a mix of upscale customers (business people, hotel guests, etc.), tourists and trendy Tel-Avivians. The place is pricy but does serve some of the better cocktails in Tel-Aviv and also has good food. On packed nights service might be slow. During daytime people use it to sit down and work with their laptops or have meetings (like a café).

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