Leumi Bank i מודיעין עלית

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelLeumi Bank



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Yechezkel Boulevard, מודיעין עלית
kontakter telefon: +972 3-954-5522
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.9375332, Longitude: 35.0370908

kommentar 5

  • David Yoseph Schreiber

    David Yoseph Schreiber


    This branch is a short walk from the Central Bus Station. Across-the-board service is very good there. The staff is informed, professional, polite, and often speak English. They have a helper / guard for the automatic machines. They are good about keeping appointments and were flexible when I arrived early. The Leumi App automatically set me up with an appointment there. However it should have given me an appointment at the Beit Shemesh branch. Careful reading helps when using the computer system.

  • יוסי סאלאווייציק

    יוסי סאלאווייציק


    It took me almost three weeks to get the credit card in the mail, when I later learned that it was possible to get the card at the branch within four business days, and the clerk at the branch then knew I wanted to get the card as soon as possible, and she did not bother to update me. The ticket at the branch !!!!!!

  • liongo



    I have not seen such garbage since the last days of disgust

  • נתנאל בסן

    נתנאל בסן


    In the last year the service has been faltering! Under any criticism. Do not answer the phone. No queues available. Make fun of all the residents! Shame of conduct!

  • B.W. Posen

    B.W. Posen


    This bank is well equipped with ATMs for withdrawals or deposits, as well as check deposits. Staff are friendly and professional. The bank is clean, situated near the parking lots. No stairs to climb.

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