Leonardo Ashkelon в Ashkelon

ИзраильLeonardo Ashkelon


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11, Golani Street, 7848011, Ashkelon, Ashkelon, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 8-911-1111
Веб-сайт: www.fattal.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 31.6829376, Longitude: 34.5616138

Комментарии 5

  • Richard Stone

    Richard Stone


    I've stayed at this hotel multiple times over the past 5 years during my business trips. I consider this to be a good hotel for business travelers who need to stay in the Ashkelon area. The hotel rooms and the hotel facilities are satisfactory for my requirements. These do show some wear in certain areas, in particular the carpeting in the hallways, but I do not consider this to be a problem. The hotel upgrades were delayed by the covid virus problems and are scheduled for the future. The room work desk, bed, lighting, dresser and bath are in good condition and are comfortable. The hotel dining is good for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, there are several good restaurants located close to the hotel and within easy walking distance either around the block or at the nearby beachfront and shopping mall. The hotel room TV channel selection is limited and would stand improvement. The room bed and lighting are satisfactory for my use and I find them to be comfortable. The room heating works well. The room air conditioning is on the central system and is not activated until May. Room cooling during the remaining months is accomplished by sliding doors and I find it works well. My rooms usually have a good view of the sea and beach. The hotel exercise room has limited facilities and weights; these meet my requirements but would be an issue for those needed a full expertise work out. The hotel staff are helpful and go out of their way to aid travelers. I plan to continue staying at this hotel in the future.

  • Free Life

    Free Life


    I love the please and i'll come here again for sure.

  • Janey Cohen

    Janey Cohen


    We arrived late. Aviva, Manager, Client Reception and Wellbeing was efficient and kind. Spoke French too our native language.

  • Steven Boyd

    Steven Boyd


    Great place to stay and staff are very helpful.

  • סשה מוסקוביץ

    סשה מוסקוביץ


    Great service,dedicated staff! Very helpful with my demands. Excellent food, great pool and dream location. Special thanks to Aviva for making our stay great!

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