Jerusalem Dentist Dr. Simone Landau & Associates i Jerusalem

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IsraelJerusalem Dentist Dr. Simone Landau & Associates



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22, Hillel Street, 94581, Jerusalem, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 2-625-6541
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.7803, Longitude: 35.21724

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elk Tilles


    A friend suggested that I see Dr Landau a year ago. My first visit was for a cleaning, exam and X-rays. Excellent and thorough examination. Probably the best oral cancer screening I have ever had. At my second visit dr Landau checked my gums for pockets. Extremely careful and recorded each measurement.

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    Daniel Abell


    I had been experiencing dental pain for months when I finally decided to see a dentist. Upon recommendation from a friend, I gave Dr. Landau a call and was quickly accommodated with an appointment for the following day. As an American studying abroad I didn't exactly know what to expect away from the comforts of home. The dental work I needed was extensive and included a root canal, but on the first appointment the pain I had been experiencing for months immediately disappeared. In the successive follow-up appointments Dr. Landau and her staff consistently worked with impeccable precision, sensitivity to pain and discomfort, and with consummate professionalism that either met or exceeded any dental care I've ever received in the States. Highly recommend.

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    Tova Steinfeld


    Dr. Landau is an outstanding dentist. She and her staff are extremely professional. She is very gentle and I always leave my appointments quickly and completely pain free

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    David Raphael


    Dr. Landau is an excellent dentist. I have found her and her staff to be both professional and friendly. I completely trust in her competence and thoroughness. I am glad that after my old dentist retired, I was able to find the perfect replacement in her.

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    Alta K


    I am giving Dr. Landau 5 stars for seeing me immediately and skillfully performing a dental first aid procedure. At my last dental exam 16 months prior to seeing Dr. Landau, I was told me teeth are in good shape. Dr. Landau's exam was very thorough, and she recommended some dental work. I sought a second opinion, because this is what I was taught to do. The new dentist did not recommend any new dental work, and suggested improvements to my diet and prescribed an intensive oral hygiene routine, suggesting we wait and see. Though I have switched dentists, I can say Dr. Landau is very skilled and has a great staff.

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