הבנק הבינלאומי i Jerusalem

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Israelהבנק הבינלאומי



🕗 åbningstider

2, Kanfei Nesharim Street, 9546402, Jerusalem, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 2-654-4200
internet side: www.fibi.co.il
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.7878269, Longitude: 35.1931327

kommentar 5

  • Elad Dahan

    Elad Dahan


    Shocking service Caution!

  • m o

    m o


    I moved from another bank because the branch gives personal service, always a human phone answer, always trying to help in any way. Human and kind clerks. For me they had a corrective experience from the previous bank where I managed my accounts. well done! And keep it up!

  • M. D.

    M. D.


    A long-standing and central branch of the bank, located on the outskirts of the Givat Shaul neighborhood. It should be emphasized that accessibility to the bank is problematic for customers coming with a car outside the neighborhood in terms of finding a parking space, because there is no one near the bank, only within walking distance and nearby streets, on the other hand. . The bank's operating hours are reasonable and convenient, and the branch serves all types of banking activities that exist at the bank. The bank has two ATMs, one inside and the other outside, and both also offer a money deposit service.

  • Moshe D. Barnett

    Moshe D. Barnett


    The queue for the banker is longer than average in regular branches, total courteous service,

  • Gadi K

    Gadi K


    Tried to get some simple service, they made it so complicated, that I eventually went someplace else.

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