Hatraklin Meet & Wine w Tel Aviv-Yafo

IzraelHatraklin Meet & Wine



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4, Heihal HaTalmud Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL Israel
kontakt telefon: +972 3-566-0013
strona internetowej: www.hatraklin.co.il
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.0616667, Longitude: 34.7687164

komentarze 5

  • Karl Kröber

    Karl Kröber


    Great place, excellent service. Really enjoyed the desserts. Our party of six had a very good time.

  • Leonid Ore

    Leonid Ore


    Excellent food, very good service, too pricey.

  • Liran Friedman

    Liran Friedman


    THIS REVIEW IS BASED ONLY ON MY PERSONAL TASTE IN FOOD. Great service, for that I would have given them 5 stars, but for my taste, the food wasn't my cup of tea. I didn't like the concept of the dishes, and I would have enjoyed a plain fillet stake instead. I would recommend others to go eat there because the service is absolutely great.

  • Fima Kachinski

    Fima Kachinski


    When we got the bill, it was completely in Hebrew, so unless you're Hebrew speaking you won't be able to tell what is what. Our server decided to take advantage of this fact, and put a 25% gratuity item on the bill, without asking or telling us about this - even though he knew full well we would not be able to read the bill on our own. When we carefully reviewed the bill, we did notice the extra 100 shekels he charged on a ~400 shekel bill, and asked him about it. His response: I've added the tip to the bill for your convenience, because in Israel you cannot do so after the fact. I did a quick calculation in my head and figured that he tipped himself around 20% and asked if a 20% tip is standard. He replied that he in fact only added 15%. Glossing over the fact that he didn't even ask or confirm the amount with us, I thought that perhaps my hasty calculation was wrong, and proceeded to give him our credit card. Later, once we left the restaurant, we took out a calculator and figured out that the actual amount charged was nearly 25%. We returned back to the restaurant right away asking for an explanation. All he could offer was to say that their computer system automatically calculated the tip, and that he thought it was 15%. This was an obvious lie as a computer system wouldn't automatically calculate a round tip of exactly 100 shekels on a non rounded bill with change. Then, instead of offering us a full refund of the tip, he simply gave us a small refund to take it down from 25% to 15%. How very generous of him. In terms of pricing in general, everything and everyone at this place clearly have only one mission: to milk every last dollar out of your pocket. I think they mainly rely on tourists, so I guess repeat business isn't very important to them, as evidenced by their deceptive gratuity practices, extremely overpriced menu, and at best only average food. Conclusion - please avoid this place. There are so many better places to eat in Tel Aviv. Everything from street food to restaurants that actually care about what they are serving you and about creating a memorable experience. If you do go here, be sure to carefully review each item on your bill, and DO NOT leave a cash tip unless you're certain gratuity wasn't already charged.

  • Shaya Klechevsky

    Shaya Klechevsky


    Wow! What a great experience! Hatraklin, aka The Lounge, has a mission to only source local ingredients, including their meats and wines. The dishes were superb, flavorful and cooked perfectly. The staff were warm and welcoming and sat us right away despite not having made a reservation. Our server was gregarious and made our experience even better. I cannot recommend Hatraklin more highly. If you're looking for a good restaurant experience, come here.

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