๐ ืฉืขืืช ืคืชืืื
ืืื ืจืืฉืื | ืกืืืจ | |||||
ืืื ืฉื ื | ืกืืืจ | |||||
ืืื ืฉืืืฉื | - | |||||
ืืื ืจืืืขื | - | |||||
ืืึนื ืืืืฉื | - | |||||
ืืื ืฉืืฉื | - | |||||
ืืื ืืฉืืช | - |
3, Ha-Mif'al Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL Israel
ืื ืฉื ืงืฉืจ ืืืคืื: +972 52-400-4128
ืืชืจ ืืื ืืจื ื: www.hanina.org
ืืจืื ืืืขื ืืืืืLatitude: 32.0511563, Longitude: 34.7732789
adi benhorin
Angelo Ninio
::ืืืจืื ืงืื ื ืืืงืกืืื ืืื ืื ืืืืื ืืื
ืืืจ ืืจืื
::ืืืื ื ืืืจืื ืงืื ื ืืื ืืืื ืืืืฉ ืืืื ืืช ืืคืืชื. ืืงืื ืขืฆืื ืืืื ื ืืื ืืืืืื
sal orr
::ืืืจืฉืคืื! ืืื ืชื ืืืจืฉืคืื. ืื ืืื ืื ืืกืฃ ืืืืชื ืงืื ื ืฆืืืจ. ืื ืืช ืืื ืชื.
Yakir Segev
::Hanina Contemporary Gallery is a truly collaborative gallery which is not based on an economic logic: its objectives include promotion of cultural dialogues and the development of a more diverse voice than the one heard in the ordinary Israeli art world. Haninaโs diverse artistic activities include evening studies, lectures, films and video works shows or even model drawing. The 16 gallery members, graduates of various institutions and life courses, live and work in different places around Israel. These artists devote their time, talent, vision and resources to the existence of the gallery, free of any economical interests, and see Haninaโs activity as an act of giving.