גולדן קייר - דושי נצרת в Nazareth

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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Израильגולדן קייר - דושי נצרת



🕗 время открытия

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Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Safuriya Street, Nazareth, Yizrael, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 73-375-7800
Веб-сайт: gcare.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.7196186, Longitude: 35.295859

Комментарии 5

  • Rami Farrag

    Rami Farrag


    A place that puts the patient at the center who takes care of the treatments and needs of each and every home The medical staff are nursing nurses and the professional paramedical staff The place is clean and spacious Wishing the place professional progress Rami

  • מחמוד קעדאן

    מחמוד קעדאן


    Service and attitude above expectations, Well done for coming up and succeeding :)

  • Good Days are Here

    Good Days are Here


    This is a clean, sanitary and organized facility. It's equipped with caring and concerned medical staff. The physical therapy department is vigorous. Occupational therapy is strong here, as well. Personally, I feel the nurses are the heart of this facility. They are caring, diligent and always ready. I've even caught a nurse, singing to a lady, suffering in pain. It was heartwarming. I was here a little over 3 months and I feel they helped me grow greatly. My level of independence quickly strengthened, where I know no other facility could have kept up with me and kept me safe. Thank you to all the staff at Doshi Center's Golden Care. Your a medical jewel of a facility. Thank you, The American 😊

  • טל מאיר

    טל מאיר


    Last night we came to visit our father exhausted and sick with cirrhosis. We found him in a disgraceful and shameful and heartbreaking way. Everything that came next to him and in addition we found out that his stomach was swollen full of fluid as a result of browning which only we caught the attention of the brothers and from that moment a doctor came evacuated him in an ambulance for drainage needless to note that if we did not arrive Mouth? A helpless person without food from the morning A full diaper in the stool There is a complex medical condition that they did not identify in short This place is clearly not recommended and just disgraceful. We will rehabilitate Dad from the unpleasant experience and hope that more helpless My dad was thrown in bed did not do a scan in the rooms if he came out did not come out no humble no one!

  • סבטלנה גלפנד

    סבטלנה גלפנד


    My dad was hospitalized in Golden Care there was a world horror Poor care of the staff had to sit there and look after everything else Poor care Everything to say every little thing My mom shouted that my dad was bad no one came until he had almost a heart attack so he was hospitalized just like that Huh got out of there

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