Friends Underground i Tel Aviv-Yafo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelFriends Underground



🕗 åbningstider

30, Shlomo Ibn Gabirol Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 54-803-5757
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.0750804, Longitude: 34.7820685

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tomer Kagan


    Atmosphere is good but getting here is difficult (literally in some kind of storage garage). The staff is okay but the food is something to be ashamed of. Popcorn and edamame were pre-made and were taken out of storage and microwaved for heating a bit before putting on plates. Seriously? Popcorn or edamame are foods a three year old could make fresh per order, and considering the price of it, I would expect them to do that. People smoke here and the staff ignore it, so If that bothers you as well, I do not recommend this place.

  • Omer Y.

    Omer Y.


    Cosy place with amazing vibes, bit expensive

  • Ella Yarom

    Ella Yarom


    A cool and cozy bar. The problem is the location (-1 floor in London Mini-store center) that is very hard to find... also although the non smoking signs in the bar, there were people who smoked and the crew didn’t say a thing

  • tzafrirt1



    It is a nice bar. not a lot of room. Great beer. Been there for a lecture on the bar so I don't really know how it is on a regular day.

  • Guy Weinreb Oron

    Guy Weinreb Oron


    A cozy little place, great for talks and meeting new people. Waiters are also awesome and Great drinks of course! No food though, popcorn, nachos and such.

nærmeste Bar

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