First International Bank of Israel i Karmiel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IsraelFirst International Bank of Israel



🕗 åbningstider

15, Ha-Kharoshet Street, 2165118, Karmiel, Akko, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 4-908-7200
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.9215183, Longitude: 35.3073658

kommentar 5

  • Melad Abedalla

    Melad Abedalla


    Bad service, long line, they don't care about their customers. Not recommend

  • Noy Gal Ed

    Noy Gal Ed


    The worst service. Just a terrible bank. Horror. Zero ratio. Zero answer. Zero service. Just zero human relations.

  • Yigal Magid

    Yigal Magid


    The worst service in the country is just awful ..... inventing documents that do not exist at all just to drag their care for a few more weeks. Trying to get them on the phone some two days in a row 4 hours on the phone a day and there is no answer + disconnections. Someone needs to make an order there because it's just awful what's going on there just replace everyone !!!!!

  • marcos moti sonego

    marcos moti sonego


    Usually pays a fee at the checkout and there is a nice cashier who takes care of it. Then Liron goes in private and receives excellent service with patience and attitude. Straighten Yaron's power

  • Thomas Levinsohn Kalmar

    Thomas Levinsohn Kalmar


    It was a good bank with an excellent service but now... They moved to a new place and has the bank an awful service now. The administrators has no patience but if I ask something but at least they don't know the answer...

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