Edmond Coffee в Tel Aviv-Yafo

ИзраильEdmond Coffee



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Allenby Street, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 54-484-4928
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.0647778, Longitude: 34.7725891

Комментарии 5

  • Inbar Eytan

    Inbar Eytan


    בית קפה במחירים שפויים, הקפה נהדר, הטוסטים מצוינים. הגינה מקסימה והצוות חביב ועוזר. ממש כיף לעבוד פה - יש מלא שקעים לחשמל ומוזיקה נעימה. אווירה ממש טובה!

  • en

    Ido Rozenberg


    Best service in town . Very good vibes. And the coffee. . Great.

  • Chelsea Devlin

    Chelsea Devlin


    Unfortunately the customer service here is terrible. I’ve been here before and the food is great and the coffee is good but this time the staff was so rude. There was no place for 5 people to sit together and so they told me to find my own seat, so I asked if it’s okay if we put some chairs around one table that would be in the back of the restaurant (not blocking anyone’s way) and they said to do whatever I want. So we proceed to arrange the table to suit our needs and he shouted at us and told us to find another place to sit outside. There were no tables outside so he pulled an extra table out of storage and put it outside for us and said “there’s your table”. With no chairs. Really? Wow. Thanks!!!! We’ll stand and eat. So the girl (who was tolerating us, not exactly nice) brought some chairs out for us and I said thank you and she replied in Hebrew something very rude because she thought I couldn’t understand her. So we sit down and get ready to eat, and he comes to us to ask us to move our table because we are placed right in front of the bathrooms. HE is the one who put out table there in the first place. Wow. Could they have made our experience here any more unpleasant?

  • Odelya Bouganim

    Odelya Bouganim


    It's a shame, nice place but if your hearing is important to you, don't go there. I set inside with couple of people who repeatedly asked the people there to lower the music which was in unreasonable volume. For one minute they agreed and than increase it again. I asked again and he made us all feel uncomfortable until I left. I said you want us to go and you don't respect your guests, he said do whatever feels right to you. It's a nice place according to photos but the human "touch" is not friendly at all.

  • Dmitriy Zharkov

    Dmitriy Zharkov


    Excellent a bit hidden place to rest and relax in small and cosy background under orange trees. Fresh and aromatic coffee. Tasty cookies. This place brought some good associations and memories. Best coffee experience in Israel so far. Don't miss the colorful entrance under coffee sign.

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