דר מיכאל פינקלשטיין в Haifa

Израильדר מיכאל פינקלשטיין



🕗 время открытия

91, Moriah Avenue, 3461619, Haifa, Haifa, IL Israel
контакты телефон: +972 4-837-4555
Веб-сайт: dr-finkelshtein.co.il
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 32.7926091, Longitude: 34.9864064

Комментарии 5

  • ניסנה קיזלר

    ניסנה קיזלר


    An excellent and honest doctor A charming and gentle man

  • David Shapiro

    David Shapiro


    This is a professional doctor. Huge person The clinic staff is kind, sensitive and always available. An atmosphere of calm and feeling safe. Dr. Finkelstein is a very high-level professional. I had a problem that was resolved only after I arrived at this wonderful doctor.

  • Karin Savulescu

    Karin Savulescu


    I'm a patient of Dr. Finkelstein has been for over 15 years. From the beginning, I was very impressed with the professionalism, seriousness, fairness and humanity with which he cared for me, which over the years has been repeatedly verified. I would like to thank Leder. Finkelstein and the clinic team: Ortalist dentist, assistant Natalie Vita, and of course a beast who is always ready to resolve any administrative issues with a smile and a good word. The whole team manages to create a very pleasant family atmosphere in the clinic. many thanks. Karin Sabolescu

  • ‫מאיה שפירר (באלי מתנות ממותגות)‬‎

    ‫מאיה שפירר (באלי מתנות ממותגות)‬‎


    I really feel the need to share: Dr. Finkelstein, the doctor with whom I really went through almost everything, china, fillings, root canals, bleaching implants and more ... He is pleasant and gentle in treatment, he has endless patience for patients. He always takes care of quality emergency cases Of the crowns is simply excellent quality and this is from years of experience. Not only is there Dr. Finkelstein the clinic itself very pleasant, clean, orderly. Of course, all this would not have happened if the secretary animal had not been sitting there, I really appreciate her for the patience of the customers, the patience of the phones, the queuing changes, the pressure of the workload and in general her behavior towards the customer. Dr. Finkelstein's clinic team and thanks to Dr. Finkelstein do the clinic for the best. And this can be seen at the first meeting. Highly recommend and love.

  • יעלה אלישר Yeela Elyashar

    יעלה אלישר Yeela Elyashar


    For many years, she has been treated at Dr. Finkelstein's clinic, an excellent doctor with gold hands, a wonderful experience at the clinic with a calm and pleasant atmosphere, the medical staff are lovely and courteous, always with a smile and lots of desire to help with anything. The most professional dentist always send me reminders before my turn and immediately Schedule me the next treatment, personal and warm attitude, highly recommended.

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