דר מואסי המרכז להשתלות שיניים i Baqa al-Gharbiyye

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Israelדר מואסי המרכז להשתלות שיניים



🕗 åbningstider

84, Alkuds Street, 30100, Baqa al-Gharbiyye, Hadera, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 4-999-0986
internet side: www.dr-mawassi.co.il
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.4215033, Longitude: 35.0403675

kommentar 5

  • שמעון אברמוביץ

    שמעון אברמוביץ


    The best there is and everything in it. Attitude, dedication, professionalism, patience and listening. Excellent doctor and excellent staff.

  • מוטי גולדשטיין

    מוטי גולדשטיין


    An excellent doctor, a great person and sane prices that suit everyone

  • דורית תימור

    דורית תימור


    Want to recommend the No. 1 doctor in the country !!!! I underwent full oral rehabilitation including bone grafting, extractions, implants, etc. All this without pain, dedicated care from you and the staff. Precise work with innovative technology. One of the best clinics in the country. Highly recommend@@@@@

  • Dorit Schnitzer Oron

    Dorit Schnitzer Oron


  • עופר דואק

    עופר דואק


    We would like to recommend Dr. Moassi's clinic in Baqa al-Gharbiya: The quality of the service is exceptional, for the better: a kindness like no other, concern for every detail. And Dr. Moassi? Single Purple: Unparalleled professional. Understand interest. Takes care to explain every move in dental care, and gives a telephone answer to any question at any time! We would give the Israel Prize to such a doctor! Rachel and Ofer Duak Haifa

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