Ben-Ami i Jerusalem

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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38, Emek Refa'im Street, Jerusalem, IL Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 2-651-0070
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.7633549, Longitude: 35.2190655

kommentar 5

  • Meir



    Cozy cafe conveniently located within Emek Refa'im street. Ample seating space. The pizza was acceptable. Service was good

  • Debra Wasserman

    Debra Wasserman


    We ate here several times during our long visit to the Moshava neighborhood. The food and service were excellent every time. We've also just dropped in for coffee, or purchased items from their bakery counter. Everything was great. Be sure to come in early on Friday mornings during the winter, since their kitchen closes an hour before the posted closing time.

  • Etai Baker

    Etai Baker


    Food was good. Service was a bit slow. The pastries were excellent, and I get the feeling that's what they're really good at. Prices were reasonable - average prices for breakfast in the neighborhood

  • adi bavnik

    adi bavnik


    Stale pastry, bought for a very high price. After paying and taking it (to go) we were CHASED outside by a young man who insisted to ask who exactly i paid to. A very unpleasant experience, will not happen again

  • Gary Wasserman

    Gary Wasserman


    The two of us had breakfast here. We ordered sandwiches. One omelet sandwich and one eggplant sandwich. Both were excellent. My hatzil sandwich was really good. The whole wheat bread was crunchy and delicious. The roasted eggplant was complimented by hard boiled egg slices, red onion, and some greens (not sure which ones). The service was good but not great. The places smells great (probably from all the baked goods). Nice relaxed crowd. Plenty of cafe tables outside (we ate inside). We'll go back.

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