Bayit Bagalil by Herbert Samuel i Hatzor HaGlilit

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IsraelBayit Bagalil by Herbert Samuel



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פארק יער ביריה, Hatzor HaGlilit, 1035001, Israel
kontakter telefon: +972 4-680-8200
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.988564, Longitude: 35.537789

kommentar 5

  • David Mirochnik

    David Mirochnik


    Very nice hotel. Good food and facilities. Only thing: the dining room never opened on time. When it should be opened at 7am, for example, if you come at 7 the cleaning lady is still working there.

  • Eran Reshef

    Eran Reshef


    Great view and location. A smell of sewer when you turn on the jacuzzi and unfortunately when you sit on the balcony in the rooms in the southern part of the hotel, there’s an annoying noise of the AC compressors that kinda ruins the chill of the place. The rooms nearer to the parking lot don’t have that problem. Either than that, a good place with good service.

  • Roy Sasson (eSassonStudios)

    Roy Sasson (eSassonStudios)


    This place is simply stunning! They really thought of every tiny detail in its design and layout. The location on the top of the mountain is gorgeous surrounded by a forest, flowers and fruit trees. The staff was extremely helpful and attentive and the food was fresh and delicious!

  • Amiel Allia

    Amiel Allia


    One of my most amazing vacation i Ever had! We got upgraded to the presidential suite, we felt like kings! Private Warmed swimming pool and jacuzzi. 2 bedrooms suite, Very nice dinner, and breakfast. Nice Spa and amazing outdoor swimming pool. Service is more than expected, warming and welcoming. No kids hotel!!! 😉

  • Uzi Mishan

    Uzi Mishan


    Beautiful location in the woods, nice room, we spend 2 nights at this place...what we have missed to be perfect is the breakfast that was very basic as well as Friday dinner. Must say that Saturday dinner was very good....I think they need to strengthen the hotel management stuff...

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